Day 1 — Hello World or A Clear Picture of Health: A Poetic Chest X-Ray Report

Jan 30, 2023


Chest x-ray of John Doe, so clear and bright, Age 35, all structures seen in sight. Date of exam, the 30th day, Of January 2023, in every way.

The lung fields show a clear blue sky, No evidence of opacity, no need to pry. Consolidation or effusion, nowhere in view, The heart’s silhouette, a normal hue.

The bony thoracic cage, strong and true, No abnormalities, in this x-ray too. No foreign body or mass, found to be, In this chest x-ray, so free and easy.

Impression, a final word, so grand and wise, Normal chest x-ray, in everyone’s eyes. No significant findings, a report so brief, John Doe, in health, continues to lead.

DALL-E 2 x RadArtGenie




Creating unique AI-generated art pieces inspired by the world of radiology.