The Origin Of Life! (Part-1)

Radha Muley
2 min readFeb 3, 2024

When we think of our origin we go back to the ancient times, the era of kingdoms and wars, even more back we go the era of stone age. This was the period when man slowly started discovering things which are very normal in today’s world such as fire, metals, farming, etc.

From the times where we didn’t even knew how to speak, humans are discovering something or the other knowingly and unknowingly. And even after a span of 2.5 million years and counting, we haven’t stopped yet. There is no change in man’s curiosity rather it is increasing rapidly. The more we discover, the more we get to know and understand things, the more we want to explore and satisfy our curiosity.

Although there is a difference of night and day between our modern era and the stone age, the drive for curiosity remained constant. We are lucky that we live in a world where we have access to technology and it is advancing day by day. We get information instantly on our finger tips in seconds. We can communicate worldwide, buy and sell whatever we want to and is definitely an integral part of our lives. I’m sure in future where many new things will come, which will be very unique and mind blowing and we will adopt them in a much shorter time.

With the help of technology, satisfying curiosity has become comparatively much easier. We have landed on the moon, mars and even aiming the sun. We have gone beyond the Earth which a stone age man cannot even imagine and believe if he hears this.

Although technology (Artificial Intelligence) also may not answer to ever increasing thoughts and questions of ours, but it has definitely eased our research methodologies. We can study about other’s research and get endless knowledge. Questions such as will artificial intelligence (robots) overtake human beings, replace jobs, or will the make our lives easier are very popular today.

Something or the other will always be a threat to us. But as the saying goes the fittest will only survive. We should look into the ethical concerns of artificial intelligence and concentrate on environmental sustainability. Okay let’s not think negative we have miles to go. We will not be replaced soon if we take care of everything.

In my next blog I’ll mention theories of origin of the universe by legendary scientists and philosophers and my views on their statements. I’ll talk about the Big Bang Theory and other theories of beginning of the universe respectively in part 2 of this blog.

Thank you for reading.



Radha Muley

Curious mind passionate about Philosophy. Join me on a journey of thought.