5 Aluminium Foil Pouch Packaging Benefits You Need To Know

Radhika Awasthi
2 min readJan 24, 2017

Aluminium foil wrapping is the ideal choice for storing food. Although, many people prefer paper and plastic packaging options too, but at the end of the day, such options turn out to be flimsy or not competent enough to keep the food fresh and protected for a long time. On the other hand, high-barrier properties of aluminium foil keep the smell and taste of the stored contents untarnished for a very very long duration. As a result, aluminium foil sheets are widely manufactured to cater to food packaging needs in homes, canteens, cafes, restaurants and other eateries. Due to growing demand of frozen foods, aluminium foil pouches are making a big hit in flexible packaging market and a lot of brands are making a new identity in the market as a result of this packaging revolution.

Why aluminium foil packaging is an ideal option for food packaging

· A large number of bacteria float around our house. Aluminium foil acts as a protective film over the food and doesn’t let the virus or bacteria in your surroundings contaminate the quality and taste of the food items.

· Aluminium foil pouch not only keeps the stored food fresh but even keeps the odour of the contents locked inside. Aluminium pouches come with various closure options such as zippers, tear notch and handle to make the packaging more convenient.

· Aluminium foil has the capacity to withstand high temperatures and if you need to re-heat food items in future, then this material provides easy heating due to its property being a good conductor of heat.

· Aluminium foil is impervious to UV rays and moisture, two great agents that can wreak havoc on the freshness, texture, smell and taste of the food contents. It creates a shielding layer around the food products and keeps the stored items fresh as ever.

· One of the greatest parameters that make aluminium foil a favourite of end users is the ability of the metallic foil to easily wrap around the food product. Thus, you can easily pack a large number of products conveniently in a matter of just few seconds!

Above mentioned and many more properties of aluminium foil has resulted in huge supply of aluminium foil pouches for both domestic and commercial usage. As a result, a large number of aluminium foil pouch manufacturers are engaging into the foray of making out-of-the-box and uniquely designed aluminium pouches in various shapes and sizes.

