3.3 Hasura Auth API + Postman collection

Radhika Sharma
2 min readJun 27, 2017


Hasura provides Auth service and inbuilt APIs that can be used in every hasura project.They are a vital part of the project.

The main aim of this task is to create users ,assigning roles and sessions using Hasura Auth APIs. The sign-up,login,logout,user info. Here are the ways in which these can be done:

Adding user: A new user is added when we make an API request.I added a user with user-name demoUser. We can check it through the project console.

fig 1.1 project console

A User will be created and an auth_token will be generated which acts as a session token. When the user logs out, the session token will be deleted and a new one will be generated the next time user logs in.

Login : If the user has already signed in,he/she can login using the login API request

The User info could also be checked in Postman using the API request method to fetch data:

Next Task: I will develop the first screen of my app.

Link to the 3.1 blog .

Next- App screen 1( UI +Backend )

