Millennials- GROW THE HELL UP.

Radhika Sharma
5 min readFeb 17, 2017

Recently, this idiotic piece of putrid content landed in my Facebook feed.

Straight from the depths of the catastrophic mess that sites like Scoopwhoop are and their continued effort to turn all our brains into millennial mush, I just have only one thing to say- MILLENNIALS, GET A BLOODY GRIP.

Stay with me folks. This is a rant.

Now firstly, a disclaimer. I am 32 years old and have been working for the past 12 years. I am married and I am about to have my first child in a month. I am not an ambition elitist. I am perfectly ok with the continued search for the right job, the right partner, the right passion, the right way of life. I support the continuous pursuit of whatever it is that makes you happy. It’s ok if you ambition is to be a cashier at McDonalds’s , am sure you’ll kick ass at it. I endorse entrepreneurship, but at the same time, if your heart is in making excel sheets all day, so be it man.

What I do not support, or appreciate is a celebration of being a drifter and this “living life in the flow.” Just like the article says, “ I am nowhere close to being settled in life. But so what?”. It’s the “So What?” that pisses me off. Today’s millennials are bloody lazy and so full of opinions, it makes me want to turn into the goddamn hulk.

The sheer stupidity that exudes in every word of this “personal essay” is beyond me. It’s the emotion that bothers me- if you can’t have a life for yourself, don’t want to be settled- JUST FUC**G don’t. Your screaming from the rooftops and making it sound like poetry is just sad. Your brain is rotting — out loud.

Let’s analyse this beautiful excerpt:

“ What’s your five-year plan? Ten-year plan? Life becomes a race. A race to beat your colleagues. Friends. Cousins. Every single person on this planet. You have to start making money. Enough to get married. Enough to take a home loan. Enough to invest in your future. It’s the same pattern for everyone. Except that life is rarely the same for everyone.”

Let’s paint the millennial scenario according to this para- we all have no schools, no education, no learning. Because then we won’t be instructed to have a “plan”. There is no concept of money, we barter horses for food and water, eat fish near the ocean and hunt all day because we haven’t evolved enough to develop an economy. It’s the same pattern for everyone. We all live like primates.

Now that’s just great, isn’t it? Except you will have a problem here too. Being a primate isn’t enough for you. There must a purpose. So that you can diss that purpose and be a rebel. Not make or find purpose, but wait for it to be formed in a mass scale and then sit back and oppose it. Be a rebel — but wait for the cause. Too stupid to make this work on your own.

Don’t make money, hell don’t even have a job. Just smoke a chilum all day. But the saying is true , “ Sure money can’t buy happiness, but it’s more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes than on a bicycle.” I have a home loan which takes Rs 45,000 out of my earnings every month, but hell- I would rather sleep here on my bed that crash on a friend’s couch forever. Earn enough to get married? Why not? You think anyone wants to get married to a broke dude who has no aim in life? Am pretty sure the writer of this article is single. If you aren’t married because you haven’t found the right person, then I feel you and support you. But don’t diss the people of the world who have done their duty, worked their work and ACTUALLY have a sense of achievement.

Why not invest in your future? You might be a millennial , but that doesn’t stop your lifestyle, does it. You want to hang in the fancy bars, you want to have the latest iPhone, you want to impress the girls on Tinder and you want to get laid at the end of the night- how do you think that cycle works. MONEY. So if you don’t work, don’t have ambition, don’t have aspiration — then guess what, you are broke. And being broke is not a lifestyle. Being on the bottom end of the earning pyramid is not cool. There’s only THAT MUCH tapri chai and samosa you can impress yourself or your partner with.

And another thing, if you don’t believe in these “milestones” of age, why even give a crap that you are turning 30? Why succumb to the mindset of society and it’s age-ism?

In an effort to be inspirational, this article fails so badly at giving credit to the people who have actually MADE IT by the time they are 30 and are proud of it. In an age when we laud young entrepreneurs for their talent, it’s freaking sad to see “this” as the output of today’s millennial. I maybe just 32, and already sound like an old woman- but if I had no structure in my life, I would still be earning 5 lakhs a year, dating idiots who never inspire me, defy every rule because I COULD and living in a house made of leaves.

You want to drift in life millennials, YOUR CALL. Hey, society isn’t all good, but heck it isn’t all that bad too. Having goals in your life is a good thing, it gives you a sense of purpose, a sense of hunger, a yearning to achieve. If you wouldn’t have that yearning, how would the Flipkarts, Snapdeals, Facebooks and Snapchats come into being?

By tomorrow you will turn 40, and the excuse “ What’s your five-year plan? Ten-year plan? Life becomes a race. A race to beat your colleagues. Friends. Cousins. Every single person on this planet.” will just be stale. Why? Because you haven’t dared or moved at all.

I for one, do not condone this line of thinking at all- hey, to each his own right. But i’ll be damned, if my child enters this drift. I’ll be damned if he/she doesn’t have a sense of purpose.

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Radhika Sharma

Media Consultant, Video Strategist, Executive Producer, Productivity Enthusiast, YouTuber, new mommy,