Are Insects Good for Your Skin? The Secret to Healthy, Dewy Skin Just May Be Bugs

The Radiant Glow Excellence Award
4 min readJul 28, 2023


By Dr. Amelia Bennett

When it comes to our skincare routine, we often focus on external factors such as creams, serums, and masks. But what if the secret to achieving healthy, dewy skin lies within a realm not visible to the naked eye — the world of insects and microorganisms? Recent scientific discoveries have shed light on the pivotal role of our microbiome, the vast community of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and even parasites that reside in and on our bodies, in maintaining the health and radiance of our skin.

The human body is an intricate ecosystem that hosts trillions of microorganisms. These microscopic creatures have formed a symbiotic relationship with us over millions of years, playing a crucial role in various bodily functions. Among the numerous places where the microbiome thrives, the gut is perhaps the most well-known. But these tiny inhabitants are also present on our skin, forming what is known as the skin microbiome.

The skin microbiome is like a bustling city, teeming with diverse inhabitants, each with its own language and responsibilities. Bacteria, in particular, are the most abundant citizens of this microscopic metropolis. While the mere mention of bacteria may conjure images of harmful pathogens, the skin’s microbiome primarily consists of beneficial bacteria that coexist peacefully with us.

These friendly bugs engage in a constant conversation with our skin cells, influencing how our organs and systems operate. The dialogue is essential for maintaining the skin’s health, as they play a significant role in protecting us from harmful invaders, regulating inflammation, and even synthesizing essential nutrients.

However, maintaining a healthy skin microbiome is not always straightforward. Modern lifestyle factors, such as excessive use of antibacterial soaps, a diet rich in processed foods, and overreliance on antibiotics, can disrupt this delicate balance. The consequence? An imbalanced skin microbiome that could lead to various skin issues, including acne, eczema, and dryness.

Interestingly, the concept of using insects for skincare is not entirely new. Historically, certain cultures have embraced insect-derived remedies for various skin conditions. For example, in traditional Chinese medicine, ground insects have been used in topical treatments to alleviate itching and inflammation. Even Cleopatra, the famed Egyptian queen, was rumored to have used crushed beetles (carmine) as a natural lipstick to enhance her beauty.

But how can insects directly impact our skin’s microbiome? Recent research has shown that some insect-derived compounds possess potent antimicrobial properties that can selectively target harmful bacteria while leaving beneficial ones untouched. This targeted approach could be a game-changer in combating stubborn skin conditions caused by microbial imbalances.

Additionally, some insects, like the silkworm, produce proteins and peptides that exhibit remarkable skin-regenerative properties. These compounds have shown promise in wound healing, reducing scarring, and improving overall skin texture. In the quest for youthful, radiant skin, these insect-derived bioactive compounds might become the future stars of skincare products.

It’s essential to note that while the potential of insect-based skincare is intriguing, more research is needed to fully understand and harness their benefits safely. The beauty industry should prioritize sustainability, ethically sourced ingredients, and rigorous testing to ensure consumer safety and environmental responsibility.

In conclusion, the secret to healthy, dewy skin might indeed lie within the mysterious world of insects and microorganisms. As science continues to explore the skin microbiome and its interplay with the natural compounds produced by insects, we may unlock groundbreaking skincare solutions that revolutionize the way we care for our skin. Embracing our microscopic allies might just be the key to achieving radiant and resilient skin for years to come. So the next time you hear the buzz of a tiny insect, remember — it could be whispering the secret to your most beautiful skin yet.

Dr. Amelia Bennett is a renowned microbiologist and skincare expert who has dedicated her career to unraveling the mysteries of the skin microbiome. With a Ph.D. in Microbiology from a prestigious university, Dr. Bennett’s passion for the unseen world of microorganisms has driven her to explore the connections between gut health, overall well-being, and skin radiance.

Having spent countless hours in the lab, studying the fascinating interactions between bacteria and human cells, Dr. Bennett has become a pioneer in the field of insect-based skincare. Her groundbreaking research has shed light on the potential of insect-derived compounds to revolutionize the beauty industry and redefine the way we approach skincare.

With her warm demeanor and exceptional communication skills, Dr. Bennett has become a sought-after speaker at international skincare conferences, where she shares her insights and discoveries with fellow scientists and beauty enthusiasts alike. When she’s not busy in the lab or presenting her findings, you can find Dr. Bennett in her cozy study, crafting informative and captivating articles that bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and everyday skincare routines.

Dr. Amelia Bennett’s mission is to empower individuals to embrace the wonders of their skin’s microbiome, and she firmly believes that nature’s tiniest creatures hold the key to unlocking our skin’s true potential. Through her writing and research, she aims to inspire a new era of skincare that harmonizes with our body’s natural systems while respecting the delicate balance of the environment.



The Radiant Glow Excellence Award

The Radiant Glow Excellence Award honors skincare and beauty trailblazers for their outstanding contributions to radiant skin and advancing industry standards.