The Latest TikTok Trend: Using Diaper Cream as Face Moisturize


By The Radiant Glow Excellence Award

In the ever-evolving world of skincare trends, TikTok has become a hub for discovering unconventional beauty hacks. One recent trend that has gained momentum on the platform is the use of diaper cream as a face moisturizer. While this may sound like an unusual choice, TikTok users are swearing by its hydrating properties and claiming that it leaves their skin looking flawless. We’ll explore whether diaper cream can indeed be used as a face moisturizer and the potential benefits and risks associated with this trend.

The TikTok Trend:

It’s not uncommon for TikTok to bring forth beauty trends that challenge conventional wisdom. The use of diaper cream as a face moisturizer is no exception. TikTok users claim that the thick, emollient consistency of diaper cream helps to lock in moisture and create a barrier on the skin, leaving it soft and supple.

Benefits of Diaper Cream:

Diaper creams are formulated to soothe and protect a baby’s delicate skin from irritation and diaper rash. Many diaper creams contain ingredients such as zinc oxide, petrolatum, and various emollients that can have moisturizing properties. Some users on TikTok report that using diaper cream as a face moisturizer has helped to combat dryness, especially during harsh weather conditions.

Potential Risks:

While the idea of using diaper cream as a face moisturizer may seem intriguing, it’s essential to consider potential risks. Diaper creams are designed for a baby’s bottom, which has significantly different skin needs than the face. Some diaper creams may contain fragrances, preservatives, and other ingredients that could potentially irritate facial skin or cause allergic reactions in some individuals.

Additionally, zinc oxide, a common ingredient in diaper creams, can be beneficial for soothing irritated skin but may not be suitable for everyday use on the face. Extended use of zinc oxide may lead to skin sensitivity or other adverse reactions.

Expert Opinion:

Skincare experts and dermatologists generally recommend using products specifically formulated for facial skin. Diaper creams are not designed with the same considerations as facial moisturizers, and their formulations may not address the unique needs of facial skin.

Dermatologist Dr. Sarah Johnson emphasizes, “While some diaper creams may contain ingredients that provide temporary relief from dry skin, it’s crucial to use products tailored to the face for long-term skincare benefits. Facial skin requires specific care, and using the wrong products can lead to adverse reactions and skin issues.”

The TikTok trend of using diaper cream as a face moisturizer may offer short-term relief for dry skin, but it’s essential to approach this trend with caution. Diaper creams are not formulated for facial use, and their ingredients may not be suitable for prolonged application on the face.

If you’re experiencing dry skin or looking for an effective face moisturizer, it’s advisable to consult with a dermatologist or skincare professional. They can recommend products that are specifically designed for facial use, addressing your skin’s unique needs without the potential risks associated with using unconventional products.



The Radiant Glow Excellence Award

The Radiant Glow Excellence Award honors skincare and beauty trailblazers for their outstanding contributions to radiant skin and advancing industry standards.