Put the grand plan down for a second

Joy Magnet
2 min readFeb 24, 2023


Being alive in 2023, man: What. A. Trip. I feel like we just got our lives back and every headline and piece of news I’ve received this month makes it feel further and further away. Are we — like — having an economic meltdown and ALSO about to meet aliens for the first time? I am not in the mood.

Raise your hand if it’s hard to feel confident in a world that’s slowly falling apart. Does every generation feel like this? “The world is going to shit” attitude makes me feel like a boomer, or a cynic, and I came into this world a happy-go-lucky optimist. If I’m feeling this bad, how are the realist / cynics of this world feeling? It’s a real question, please comment below, I’m curious to hear from you.

So instead of making promises to myself that I know I won’t keep, I’ve decided to put my grand plan down for a second and regroup: what is going to make me feel okay in this moment?

This week, feeling okay meant getting back into my routine. Wake up, walk the dog, meditate, do some journaling, head to the gym, go to work, make dinner, go to sleep. Rinse, repeat. There’s a lot of peace-making in the simplicity of the daily routine.

The one thing that’s helped me keep me on the straight and narrow (and not the alleyway towards crazy-town) is realizing that I’ve now been around long enough to know that the tables always turn. Things happen in cycles.

The key is not to overreact every time a situation arises, adding to the chaos and going into full panic spiral mode. And when you resist that urge to control the situation, something magical happens: there’s this feeling of floating in the ocean. The waves are crashing but you’re not drowning. And why aren’t you drowning? You’re not fighting something more powerful than you. You’re going with the current and letting your body relax while the force of nature runs its course.

That feeling of bobbing up and down while the waves crash is my whole mentality of how to get through this crazy period of time we’re currently living in. Just trying to find the moments of happiness and peace in chaos. It’s not a bold life, but it’s keeping me afloat.

And maybe it can for you too if you’re in need of a life raft.

I’m here too. I get it. The grand plan is still alive, just on pause. We’re in this together. Stay positive, float with the current, and be brave. All things change, that we know for sure.



Joy Magnet

Writer, creator, building a radiant, juicy life, one day at a time.