Quantum Reflex Analysis As A New Way

Radiant Living
3 min readSep 11, 2018


Quantum Reflex Analysis is a comprehensive diagnostic test that can bring out every kind of problem with your physical wellbeing. The procedure is based on a mix of traditional and modern medicinal concepts. It depends on the science of kinesiology and acupuncture to determine if there is a disruption in the Quantum Energy Biofield of the body.

Quantum Energy Biofield

The concept of Quantum energy biofield is based on the idea the body has its own electrical energy field. In fact, every organ of the body is supposed to have its own electrical energy field and a certain frequency. When every organ is working to its optimum capacity, the electrical energy frequencies of every organ of your body are in harmony with one another. This is known as Quantum Energy Bio field. It is considered that this energy biofield interacts with all the organs and controls them. However, if there is a problem with a organ or if there is a scar or trauma to an organ, an imbalance in the electrical energy field is observed. This can be observed through Quantum Reflex Analysis. You need to visit a certified Quantum Reflex Analyst to detect if there is an imbalance in the energy field. Once this is done, the therapist can conduct a Bi-Digital O-Ring Test on you. This is a pioneering concept developed by the Japanese doctor and scientist Yoshiaki Omura. This is a safe, simple and non-invasive way of diagnosing problems in people of all ages. This particular test can detect the effect of nutritional supplements or food items on your physical and mental wellbeing. Quantum reflex analysis helps in detection of diseases and problems by measuring the change in Quantum Energy Biofield of the body. After detection, the therapist can use Bi Digital O Ring Test to ascertain which food or nutritional supplements can correct the problem or disease.

Blocked Biofield

Your Quantum Energy Biofield may also be blocked due to various reasons such as trauma, diseases, scar, parasites, bacteria, virus, heavy metal poisoning, environmental toxins etc. Organs may have scar or may suffer from trauma not only due to accidents, but also due to surgeries. These diseased, scarred and traumatized organs block the biofield. They are said to create a short circuit in the biofield. Such short circuits are identified by Quantum Reflex Analysis and treated by a combination of modern and traditional system of medicine. Once this is cleared, the flow of energy through the meridian channels returns to normal and glands and organs return to their natural strength and vigor.

Precision Testing And Treatment

The benefit of quantum reflex analysis lies in precision testing and treatment. Once the precise problem and diseased organ is identified, Bi Digital O Ring Test can recommend the best nutritional therapy to remedy the problem. You need to take this nutritional supplement for a certain period and then appear in a quantum reflex analysis again.

Quantum Reflex Analysis Sessions

A QRA session points out which organ or gland in your body is weak. The therapist tries to assess the bio-energetic status of body’s key organs. It uses a muscle testing technique at various reflex points of the body which have been medically accepted to be viable points of reflex. He or she will use the O Ring method to determine the flow of energy.

However, it does not reveal the disease. You don’t even need to know the disease, since a Bi Digital O Ring Test can recommend the nutritional supplement that can cure the problem. A QRA session can help to bring out the positive as well as negative effects of nutritional supplements and food items on your wellbeing.

Interference Fields

If there is a trauma or scar or diseased organ in your body, it is likely to create an interference field. This interference field interacts with the normal Quantum Energy Biofield of the body and creates a blockage in the biofield. Almost every person suffer from some or the other trauma, scar or diseased organ. So interference fields are normal. But it can be treated if the QRA therapist can rightly bring out the diseased organ and the nutritional supplement or food which are harmful and beneficial for it.

If you are not feeling well, you can give Quantum reflex analysis a try.

About The Author

The author is a distinguished creative writer and professional editor. This article is telling about the Quantum Reflex Analysis (QRA). For more information: www.radiantlivingcenter.com



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