Radical Address

The easiest way to get a human-readable name for your ethereum wallet

Radical Address
3 min readDec 16, 2018



Radical Address fully automates the process of getting a human-readable ENS name for an ethereum wallet. Getting an ENS name from scratch currently involves an hour of reading technical documentation and requires 6 transactions spread out unevenly over 5 days. Using Radical Address takes about a minute and only 1 transaction.

You can get your memorable ethereum address here:


If you have MetaMask and it is unlocked, go to radicaladdress.com:

  1. Enter your desired human-readable name
  2. (Your ethereum wallet hex address is automatically filled in)
  3. Enter the amount you are willing to spend
  4. Enter your email for confirmation
  5. Click “Submit” and then “Confirm” the MetaMask transaction

That’s it.

Your desired name will be delivered 5 days later…

If you have MetaMask but it is locked, go to radicaladdress.com:

  1. Enter your desired human-readable name
  2. Enter your ethereum wallet hex address
  3. Enter the amount you are willing to spend
  4. Enter your email for confirmation
  5. Click “Submit”, login to MetaMask, click “Connect”, and then “Confirm” the transaction

If you don’t have MetaMask, you can still use radicaladdress.com:

  1. Enter your desired human-readable name
  2. Enter your ethereum wallet hex address
  3. Enter the amount you are willing to spend
  4. Enter your email for confirmation
  5. Click “Submit”, and then send payment to the indicated address

If your desired name is a common word or otherwise a publicly recognized name, it is possible for someone else to realize you are trying to obtain the name and issue a competing bid; radicaladdress.com will warn you of this situation:

For more information about the Radical Address service, including instructions on getting an ethereum hex address in the first place, getting ether, installing and using MetaMask, and other details, see the FAQ at radicaladdress.com/faq


Current blockchain applications are inaccessible to most non-technical users. Unmemorable hex addresses, unwieldy and intimidating private keys, a mash of cryptographic jargon, command line interfaces, and much else conspire to exclude most potential users from even simple onchain transactions. While the core blockchain protocols have been extensively developed and refined, there has been much less attention and fewer resources devoted to making these technologies accessible and usable for a broad audience. Radical aims to reduce this imbalance by designing and building usable interfaces for the blockchain.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, say hello@radicaladdress.com. We’re also on Twitter @radicaladdress.



Radical Address

Radical Address makes it easy to get a human readable name for your ethereum wallet.