Radio Ready PR Artist Review

Service Radio Ready PR
1 min readSep 1, 2017


Radio Ready PR Review

Radio Ready PR Company

I’ve always knew I needed help with getting to that next level of radio promotion, professionalism and sound quality but I wasn’t sure how or who to talk to and was afraid of getting played.

Communication is spot on and I receive email replies within a couple hours or even minutes of sending it off. It’s great to have a team of hardworking individuals just like me, right there at your disposal.

Radio Ready PR deserves the recognition they deserve and I really appreciate that they are a small, passionate business that really seems to care about the success of their artists and aren’t just in it to make a quick buck. If I have any advice for other artist at my level, it is that you can’t do it on your own and no matter how hard you work, you need help to get to that level. Also, no matter what, it’s going to take years to develop the following unless you have money to make money. Just keep making the music you love and Radio Ready has got your back!

Michael Scott Bates

