Health and Justice — The Path of Liberation Through Medicine

Rupa Marya, MD
11 min readJun 12, 2020

This is the transcript of the 2018 keynote speech at Bioneers, where I was introduced by my friend and conspirator, Black liberationist Cat Brooks, director of Anti Police-Terror Project. May this talk help people understand this uprising for justice so they can join the movement for health and wellness for all people. We cannot reform structures built on racism and violence. We must uproot them, compost them, heal the wounds and build anew.


I want to first acknowledge the Coastal Miwok and the beings on whose land we are meeting today.

To acknowledge all the indigenous people who have trusted me, shared deep conversation with me and influenced my understanding of what it means to be a healer and what exactly is the scope of my work.

I want to acknowledge those killed by police and their families still fighting for justice.

and the UCSF Division of Hospital Medicine for supporting me in shaping a path that…

