Blockchain Developers Meetup — #0x02 — Building AI-run economy on top of Smart Contracts

Milen Radkov
Published in
2 min readSep 4, 2018
Our second meetup

Hey guys!

Yesterday we had our second Blockchain Developers Meetup.

For those of you, who could not join us — our guest speaker was Alexander Tsankov — an young and enthusiastic blockchain engineer from New York, who was in Bulgaria in behalf of the P3C project.

He presented us their implementation of “AI-run economy on top of Smart Contracts” developed on the Ethereum Classic blockchain network.

On the picture: Alex Tsankov (left) talking infront of our community. Milen Radkov (right) CEO at hack.

We were discussing about the theoretical framework of money creation, social and solidarity systems and insurance. And how it could be solved by using innovative technologies as blockchain and AI.

We covered key points like:

  • Prosperity.
  • Evolution of money (what is considered hard and soft money).
  • Evolution of insurance.

P3C is an already working open source decentralized application, which is aiming to solve social security issues using blockchain in ~700 lines of solidity code.

Part of the people atteding the meetup.

If you are interested in talking on some cool topic, or you want to propose some topic to be discussed — just drop us a line at or write down a comment / reply.

If you want to be informed for our next events and meetups — join us:

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