Data Science Conference Europe — 2021

Radovan Bacovic
2 min readFeb 3, 2022

It`s alive! (this sounds like a Ramones album name, and yes, it is)

Just a very quick recap of the great Conference in 2021.

Really enjoyed visiting and speaking at Data Science Conference. Felt a great vibe, meet old and new friends and enjoy great and super interesting talks.

Outstanding chance for networking, learning, and gaining new experiences.

Had 2 talks:

1. Career Journey in Data World:

Exposed my intimate story about my carrier journey working in various markets and companies around the globe.
Was thrilled to share my experience with young folks and try to persuade them that only heaven is a border for them and their development.

2. How we create Data services in GitLab:

Provided a walkthrough over the process of creating, improving, and scaling the Data product using a modern DevOps stack. Exposing details of the use case how we embrace the open-source philosophy to help us provide faster time to market. Will discuss how to use the advantage of the internal product to make us more agile in the daily job of creating great data products.

If you are interested in the presentation, please scroll below a little bit.

Thanks to the organizers gave me a chance to contribute and share my story and experience.

See you soon, I hope!

Check more info at the Linkedin post.

