Provigil: A guide to know the 1st brand version of Modafinil

Raechel Smith
5 min readApr 23, 2019


We know that the use of smart drugs has a long story and Modafinil is also one of those amazing smart drugs which help us to stay active and alert. Modafinil came to the market during the 70s and it becomes the first approved smart drugs in 1998 with approval of the FDA. As a smart drug, Modafinil is multi-beneficial for which it is crowned as the king of smart drugs. Provigil is the first brand version of Modafinil for which its effects are also amazingly good. Here, in this blog, we will discuss Provigil as the best brand of Modafinil.

The origination of Provigil

Modafinil is a very effective smart drug for which it is considered as the king of smart drugs. As a smart drug, it helps a person to become efficient in work by boosting up his or her active energy. Though synthetic smart drugs emerged in the market long ago, yet Modafinil is the first smart pill that is approved by the FDA. There is an interesting story behind the origination of Modafinil as a smart drug. People are using smart drugs from very long ago. In the ancient period, herbs or other natural components were used to increase the active energy of people. In 1960, the first man-made smart drug arrived in the market. After that lots of other smart drugs are coming to us. In the year of 1970, The Lafon Laboratories developed a new smart drug that it Adrafinil. But when it was tested, the scientists found that the medicine took a long time to show the effect. It happened because the body had to metabolize the drug to a new substance that is Modafinil and then only it showed the effect. So, the scientist upgraded the Adrafinil and then made Modafinil which works in a fast way. People had started to use this smart pill from 1986 and the FDA approved it as a solution to narcolepsy and sleep apnea in the year 1998. Now, it is a well-known name in the world of smart drug users. Provigil also came in 1998 to the market as the first brand of Modafinil and now it is a preferable choice for smart drugs. Who wants to enjoy the effects of Modafinil, they also can try Provigil as their smart drug.


Key ingredient: Modafinil

Synthetic ingredients: croscarmellose sodium, povidone, lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, and pregelatinized starch.

Provigil effects

As a smart drug, Provigil is too effective to be considered as the best brand version of Modafinil. First, come to its wakefulness booting effects. As a wakefulness booster, Provigil smart drug is a very useful remedy for the patients with an excessive sleep disorder like narcolepsy, sleep apnea or shift work sleep disorder. Though it cannot cure any of those, yet a patient with any of these sleep disorders can stay awake by taking Provigil dosage. Secondly, Provigil smart drug also can work as a very effective cognitive enhancer that can improve our cognitive functions. As a Nootropic, it improves concentration, focus, productivity, learning ability, etc. in a person. As a mood enhancer also, Provigil is effective that can keep us in a happy mood. It can help us in staying away from the fatigue issue. These are some of the effects which are showed by Provigil as a smart drug. Because of these effects, Provigil is considered as the best brand version of Modafinil.

Provigil mechanism of action

Smart drugs are known for boosting up our active energy and the experts assume that they do it by making effects on the neurons. The smart drugs stimulate the neurotransmitters to enhance our active energy. As a smart drug, Provigil also makes an effect in the same way. It also works on the neurons in our brain so that the brain can be boosted up to keep us active and alert. By increasing the level of hypothalamic histamine, it increases our activeness throughout the day. To increase wakefulness in us, by stopping the movement of neurotransmitters, it controls the sleep cycle of our body. Provigil smart drug also can work as a mood enhancer that can refresh our mood. So, as it follows all the actions of Modafinil, that is why it is considered as the best brand of Modafinil

Provigil dosage

Provigil dosage should be taken properly if you want to enjoy its effects. This smart pill is used to treat numerous problems for which its dosages are a different problem to problem. Provigil dosage of 50 mg is recommended for those who use it for cognitive enhancement. Provigil dosage of 150 mg is prescribed for patients with narcolepsy and sleep apnea. 200 mg Provigil dosage is its most used dosage which can treat various sleeping issues. Mostly, it is used by the students and entrepreneurs. Provigil dosage is available in 400 mg also. Use Provigil with a doctor’s advice to enjoy its amazing effects safely. When one is using Provigil, other smart pills should be avoided with it. You can stay active for the day long or during work by taking Provigil dosage in the morning or before starting work. You can find this smart pill easily so that you can use it. You can also order Provigil online and get it at your home without going anywhere.

Click here if you want to know more about the best brand version of Modafinil that is Provigil.

