Almost Spring

Raechel “Rael Thymes”
1 min readMar 3, 2024

Spring is right around the corner as the Winter season is transitioning away from us!

Image captured by Raechel “Rael Thymes”

The snow is melting.

The ground is less frozen.

The lakes and streams show a glimmer of water’s movement beneath the shards of ice.

Here is a poem that highlights nature’s beautiful transition from winter to spring.

Almost Spring

The trees are bare but the temperature is warming

Before you know it, mosquitos and bees will be swarming

Grass transitioning from brown to green

Bees buzzing on flowers caring for the queen

Nature is calling for your time and sun to be seen

Body’s must adjust to nighttime’s wean

Winter’s snow has melted away

Daylight hours are longer each day

Flowers forming their beautiful blooms

People outside, no longer hibernating in winter’s cocoons

I can’t wait to see what Mother Nature will bring

As we are days away from the season of spring

-Rael Thymes ©️ 2024

The Power of Poetry 💚 Anthology 5.5K+ / Poet’s love and scandals



Raechel “Rael Thymes”

Health Writer. Poet. CEO & Founder of Rael Thymes Health Writing and Poetry LLC. Health and Wellness Advocate. Nurse. Dog Mom. Blogger: