Letter To My Parents

2 min readSep 9, 2023


Dear Mom and Dad,

Thank you for everything you have done for me throughout my life. Thank you for the support, guidance, and love you give me. You guys are the reason why I’m here today and why I am a strong and independent young woman. You push me every day to become a better version of myself, and words can’t describe how thankful I am.

You guys taught me how to treat others with respect, love, and kindness, but also not let anyone walk over me. You taught me life skills that I will never forget. I found my passion for sports and love for music because you made me try new things. I found my love for God because of your influence. I am close with my brothers and sisters because you made us a happy family. You made the house we live in a home where everyone feels safe and welcomed.

You both have influenced my life in many ways. Mom makes our home comfortable for all who come. She fills the home with delicious scents of foods and candles. Mom taught me how to communicate and listen. She taught me how to be a respectable woman who is an example for little girls. Dad taught me strength and courage. Dad trained me to be an athlete. He worked with me to become 1% better each day. Dad showed me what to look for in a man. He taught me how to trust and help others. My parents encourage me to do my best in everything I do.

I could write hundreds of papers to thank you both for your influence on my life. You guys are my superheroes and the first people I would call if I needed anything. I know you guys will continue to teach and love me every day. I know you will continue to support me and help me grow. Thank you for being the best parents, teachers, and friends anyone can ask for.



