A simple IoT architecture to Ingestion and Reporting — Part III

Rafael Faita
Published in
5 min readAug 25, 2020


Part I | Part II | Part IV | Part V| Part VI


In the last article, we started to cover some technical aspects of the IoT architecture, in this third part, of a series of articles, we will continue to cover technical aspects of the architecture.

In this part, we will cover the Asset Service and the Time Series Persistence Service.


I chose the Spring Framework to create the architecture because my main program language is Java and I have a big experience with Spring. It’s only a preference, you can recreate all of this architecture using another program language.

Big Picture

If we could compare the Asset Service and Time Series Persistence Service to a part of the human body, we would probably end choosing the muscles, because all the information of the system is processed(heavy work) at this point and saved to be used in the future, generating reports and alerts.

IoT architecture
IoT architecture

Asset Manager Service

All the source code of this project is hosted on GitHub (here)

The asset service is responsible for maintaining the Assets of the system(Sensors, cars, IoT devices), each asset is…

