LUXURY Baby Yoda flush you must poster

5 min readOct 4, 2020


I, a 25-year-old son, are dying to have been away from this S-shaped country for more than a decade. There are times when I want to go back to my hometown so that I can enjoy the taste of my homeland in this land. But because I kept making up my head in studying and working, I kept appointing days to come back from year to year. Partly because there are still sad memories here that I want to forget. After 6 years, I have changed a lot of things, both outside and inside my mind. It’s time to go back, it’s time to forget about the sad old times. Considering it a part of memories, happy or sad, it also helps me grow up like today.

Buy it here: Baby Yoda flush you must poster

Before returning to Tan Son Nhat, I had to transit a few hours in Hong Kong. The feelings are really hard to describe, since that land is only a few hours away from me. At the counter waiting for the next flight, most of the passengers were Vietnamese. They were talking about marriage, I kept quiet and looked around. A feeling of real familiarity and comfort, everyone sitting around here is my fellow countryman.

Anyone who has seen this S-shaped country on an airplane, must have felt like me. I think back to six years ago, when the plane slowly took off, that S-shaped slowly diminished and disappeared behind me. I tried to look back at it one last time, the place I have been with for 19 years of my life with many memories. I have left everything, everything that I love most.

And now I’m back, back one fine morning. After those drifting clouds, my homeland once again appeared before my eyes. It got bigger and bigger, and emotions and memories flooded back. The emotional stuff that I think it sleeps for a long time and never comes back again.
Breathe a sigh of relief because he has also completed immigration procedures and baggage check. When I go somewhere, I am most afraid of these things. Worried about the fatigue of waiting.

Fortunately, only net a few personal belongings and a few gifts for relatives, so everything happened quickly. I walked out the gate when I looked around to find my aunt, her family will come pick me up today. Waiting for a long time without seeing anyone, suddenly from the post, someone jumped on my back and laughed. Startled, she turned to look, before she got ready, the lovely girl hugged my hip.
- Anh Khanh, my brother Khanh is back! — The kid laughed and said.
- Honey, are you getting the wrong person? — I asked in surprise.

She looked at me with a smile and a smile, let go of her hand and pushed me away. From a distance, a woman the same age as my mother came over with a smile. I realized it was aunt, after so many years, she looked as young as ever.
- Khanh, son, this guy, just come back to visit your aunt now? Let me see, the guy is now so mature and proud. — Auntie said and came to hug me, touched as if wanting to cry, like seeing my flesh and blood so many years apart. My aunt is my mother’s sister when she was still running the enemy, her family has disappeared so my grandmother adopted her as a child. In the South, in the old days when we ran the enemy, our family separated a lot. Luckily, it can be found again, otherwise it can be lost forever. In the past, I used to eat at my aunt’s house more than at my home because my mother worked all the time, so she saw me as a son in the family.

- The other fish, it’s grown up, but not a kid, but he also rides his head on your brother’s neck! Go out there and call my dad in here to pick you up! — Auntie looked over at the kid who terrorized me and said.
I suddenly remembered, it turns out that is Ly, the child that in the past always wrapped me. I just turned to look at it and laughed as if I recognized an acquaintance. Suddenly it took a cup of my head.

- I hate you so much! — It turned around and said, stuck out its tongue once and left. In such a lovely look.
- The childishness of his child you know that. — She got married and told me.
My aunt and I followed behind the kid to the car together.
- So Ly is 19 years old now, aunt? — I confided in my aunt.
- Yes, it was so old that it was already grown up, raising this child to this age is very hard! It is not as gentle as you, I don’t know when it will take care of your uncle.
- What did you say, but I’m not good at all, so far my career has not come yet. What did Ly learn now, auntie?
- He studied at the Informatics Foreign Language School. If they don’t listen, if they come here to play, then please advise them to see them.

Seen more at: Baby Yoda flush you must poster

