10 Strategies to Get More Traffic to Your Website

Rafael Hovhannisyan
5 min readFeb 26, 2019


What’s a marketer’s or a business owner’s greatest dream of all? A private jet or maybe a house in Bora Bora? Well, maybe. But first of all, they want to get web traffic flowing in. And that’s pretty normal since the more people visit your website, the higher your chances will be to sell your product or service.

In fact, there are dozens of ways you can try to get more people visiting your website. As soon as you find the right channel, you can focus on that one and bring traffic at more affordable rates. But meanwhile, make sure to experiment and think about the most out-of-the-box strategies you can use.

Let’s see what you can start with.


Design it based on the latest trends

Make your website attractive and fresh-looking. Don’t spare money on cutting-edge design and development. According to a study, 94% of negative website feedback was design related. So, you don’t want to disappoint your visitors, right?

Think about the UX

The design is not only great looks. It’s also about the user experience. Try to make your website smooth and easy to use especially if it is an e-commerce website. A lot of shoppers just quit at the checkout if they don’t understand what to do. So, the design of your website should speak for itself.

Make your website multi-language

This one is key especially if you are trying to target international markets. Imagine landing on a webpage that you don’t understand. Of course, the visuals can be nice and intuitive, but the content is what people focus on most of the time. So, if you are targeting let’s say Italy, Russia, Japan, and the US, then you should respectively have your website in Italian, Russian, Japanese, and American English.

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Focus on your homepage messaging

Don’t beat around the bush. Get to the point. Don’t make your website visitors guess who you are. Instead, make it all clear right away. It turns out that 86% of website visitors who land on a homepage say they want to see information about the company’s products and services. Your messaging thus should clearly show who you are and what kind of services or products you provide. The rest is fluff.

Write great call-to-actions

A good call-to-action is like a really cool punchline. People usually get bored with long descriptive sentences. Give them some witty call-to-actions, try to engage them and actually make them do something about what they have learned on your website. Call-to-actions can be different: you can ask a person to subscribe to your email newsletter, or to give you a call, or to make a quote inquiry. Just make sure to make those really great. See some excellent examples below:

Source: HubSpot Blog
Source: Udemy

Keep your website blog up-to-date

Search engines just LOVE great content, so make sure you produce it on a regular basis. Keep SEO in mind. Here are a few tips for you:

  • Use long-tail keywords
  • Use Google Keyword Planner for finding the best long-tail keywords
  • Avoid keyword stuffing, write only engaging and informative articles
  • Keep your articles at proper length (depending on the topic an article can be between 800–2500 words)
  • Put internal links between your blog posts
  • Optimize your articles by filling it alt texts and writing catchy meta descriptions

Try guest blogging

Guest blogging is a long-term thing and can go slow too. However, you should never get discouraged. Try to find the most popular online publications in your niche and start contacting them. Offer them fresh ideas and content and try to do some collaboration with them. You can provide them with new content, and they can mention you in their articles in return. This way, you will generate enough number of backlinks to your website. Note that backlinks are a great KPI for website success. The more backlinks you have, the more web traffic you can get.

Social media-wise

Choose which social media channels to target

Some social media channels will work better for a particular type of business. For example, if you are selling sexy lingerie on your e-commerce store, then you should definitely have Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram accounts. And if you are a news outlet, then you should be present on Twitter and Reddit too. So, make sure you know which social media channels you want to attract your web traffic from.

Create a social media content calendar

Having a content calendar for social media in place will help you make your growth efforts more tangible. Think like a guerilla marketer, i.e. think you have very little money but a huge imagination. Try to come up with something that your competitors don’t do. Find fresh new ways of engaging your social media followers. Use animations, short videos, and photos along with catchy captions and call-to-actions.

Set up paid promotions

Nearly all social media channels provide the chance to promote a page/account/post. Use that opportunity to attract more followers. But make sure to target the right audience for your ads. Otherwise, people will visit your website and bounce away too quickly. A high bounce rate is a disaster for a site. Make sure to check yours through Google Analytics.

Summing up

Driving more web traffic is not always an easy task to compete. You might have obstacles on the way or sometimes feel fatigued. It can be especially hard at the beginning. Setting up all those channels and paid promotions or trying to come up with new blog post ideas every time. These are all the daily struggles of marketers and business owners. Keep in mind that virtue comes to those who wait. In this case, you should simply work hard and try out different strategies and wait until you find that one magic trick that works the best for you!

It will happen.

Believe it!

Originally published at gtranslate.io on February 26, 2019.

