Nazis start #GastheSynagogue in reaction to St. Louis Jews Shielding Protestors from Police.

Rafael Shimunov
2 min readSep 16, 2017


When protesters were caged in by an abusive police force, the Central Reform Congregation of St. Louis served as a model to all congregations and opened their doors to protect them.

The people of St. Louis took to the streets in response to the acquittal of ex-cop Jason Stockley for the murder of Anthony Lamar Smith. Stockley, when engaged on a police chase of Smith was recorded premeditating his killing of Smith.

Police responded to protests with unhinged violence. Here is a video of at least 40 militarized forces attacking an elderly woman with a shield, then overrunning her and others under them. Rather than administering first aid, they continue to overrun her and eventually force her up for detainment.

Many St. Louis locals and many on Twitter responded favorably:

The synagogue itself made sure we knew this was no fluke. They’re here for “radical hospitality”. The Synagogue is also known for protecting protesters after the Ferguson verdict for the killing of Michael Brown.

The police responded by surrounding the Jewish temple and preparing more tear gas:

Trapped activists tweeted from inside the synagogue:

And as if we needed to be reminded that our liberation as Jews is tied to the liberation of all Black and brown people on the front lines of white supremacism, the Nazis weighed in too.

This time with a “#GastheSynagogue” campaign invoking gas chambers in Nazi concentration camps:

Even a New Jersey Police supply store, Major Police Supply, supported the call:

And while I can fill this page with white nationalists responding to this act of Judaism, I’ll end it with the fact that we’re not just saying we’re part of the #JewishResistance, we will increasingly answer the call of Resistance and Love.

For immigration:

For Palestinians and Israelis:

For police accountability:

Against the cradle to prison pipeline:

On the floor, in handcuffs with our friends:

And all the way to the top, Mr. Resident:

UPDATE: Donate to the Synagogue.
UPDATE: The Police Supply Twitter could be a bot?

Rafael Shimunov serves on the board of directors for Jews for Racial & Economic Justice and as a leader with IfNotNow. Ask him how to join the #JewishResistance.



Rafael Shimunov

Radio host, filmmaker and artist, Rafael Shimunov is a HIAS refugee from former Soviet Uzbekistan and works on transformational political campaigns.