Appreciative Inquiry (AI) for Data Science Team

Creation of a shared future

Rafael Valero
2 min readJul 23, 2023

Some reflections about the use Appreciative Inquiry applied for Data Science Team.



How can I optimise the value creation of Data Science team.


The use Appreciative Inquiry (AI) to co-work out best strategies, implementation and update for Personal Development Plans (PDPs).

I need output for both business and output for the people to proof value.

Why to use Appreciative Inquiry (AI)?

In the last years I have been experimenting with different way to systematically and in a proven way to understand people and business interests.

  • Place together different stakeholders so they can share their experiences and interest at stake.
  • Bias toward the positives. We already know the negatives and keep working on that, however it may not depend on us or take a while.
  • Promoted understanding and synchronisation of ideas and scenarios for different stakeholders.
  • Very positive comments about this techniques. I like it is indeed systematic thinking, so it has and structure and clear steps and outputs. Makes sense for me after examination, so searching for a good opportunity to use it.

I think the above made a good case of potential benefits.

Managing expectations

There are different ways to create team strategies, probably any other could output similar results. Thinking necessarily the output could be different, however they maybe other things, such as people feeling more engaged or listened.

People are continuously trying to growth and increase productivity, so it could “patronising” to assign their ideas for the team and PDPs just alone at the format of the meetings.

For more discussion on that see [Ruhe et al 2011].

How the output looks like?

Each participant should take how a feasible actions or learning point for the near future.

For the team the identification of some key strategies and particular cases very relevant. For people, their interest on particular cases and strategies and how they are going to participate on that. That implies clear actions both to carry out and also the localise key points for their personal development plan.

What is next?

I should see if those are carried out and the experience of the people. That will take time. Let me know your thoughts or if you are interested in particular parts of the implementation (here is just and overall reflection).


