I’m Sorry for Writing You this Letter

I broke our promise and I’m terribly sorry — A two minutes story

Rafa Nafisa
2 min readMay 2, 2022

Dear Winter,

I’m sorry for writing you this letter. I know we made a promise to not depend on each other but I really need you right now.

I might sound really pathetic for this but I can’t help to not to cry since last week. Dada was gone. He got sick for almost three months and he couldn’t help it much longer. He was buried underneath our oak tree in Lake District.

Our days had been wonderful and we thank you for it. He filled the void and healed the wound of your absence all this time. And about last month, Dada took a female dog home. They really liked to play every afternoon in the park next block — they reminded me of us when together. Ah, I wish I could see them having puppies on their own.

Winter, I know I’d promised to try to live on my own without you. But I keep remembering Dada, and you. Again, this loss leaves me nothing but misery. And if you will, I need you to be by my side. You can find me at our oak tree every dawn until the sky goes dark.

Once again, I’m terribly sorry for writing you this letter.


P.s. Don’t forget to send me the address of heaven — so I can post it tomorrow to you, so you will receive this letter, so we can be together another lifetime. Be happy with Dada. Also, spare me a blanket, will you? You know, I always get cold easily.

That was the letter that cops found beneath an oak tree in Lake District this evening. They said it was written just about two hours before they found it along with a dead body of a woman beside it. Report said that she was freezing to death, and even her necklace — a heart-locked necklace with the name of Rose and a photo of a woman, man, and dog — was also covered with ice frost.

