Flutter: Force Upgrade your app users(How to)

Abdur Mohammed
4 min readJan 29, 2023


Flutter How To: Simple | To the Point| Short

Flutter Dev Level: Intermediate

1.0 Objective

  • To be able to Force all or selected version users to upgrade to the latest version of your app on iOS and Android.

2.0 Sample Project Github Link

Step- 1 Create an app upgrade account

Step -2 Create new Project on App upgrade

Step-3 Copy the API key

  • Once the project is created, you’ll be redirected to projects page. Alternatively, you can click on projects on the top of the menu.
  • Now click on API key of the project card you just created
  • Copy the API key
  • Minimise the window and go to your Flutter project.

Step -4 Install the Flutter App Upgrade SDK

  • In the terminal, go to the root folder of your project and paste
flutter pub add app_upgrade_flutter_sdk
  • Alternatively, you can paste this from pubspec.yaml (Make sure you pick the latest version from pub.dev)
app_upgrade_flutter_sdk: ^1.0.4

Step-5 In your main.dart file, import

import 'package:app_upgrade_flutter_sdk/app_upgrade_flutter_sdk.dart';

Step -6 Create App Info object within main file (Sample Final file in Step 9)

    AppInfo appInfo = AppInfo(
appName: 'flutter_force_update', // Your app name
appVersion: '1.0.2', // Your app version
platform: Platform.operatingSystem, // App Platform, android or ios
'development', // Environment in which app is running, production, staging or development etc.
appLanguage: 'en' // App language ex: en, es etc. Optional.

Important: appVersion is the current version of the app.

  • We will use this object in Step 8.

Step -7 Create Dialog config object (Optional)

 DialogConfig dialogConfig = DialogConfig(
dialogStyle: DialogStyle.material,
title: 'App update required!',
updateButtonTitle: 'Update Now',
laterButtonTitle: 'Later');
  • We will use this object in Step 8

Step -8: Wrap you root body widget inside AppUpgradeAlert

xApiKey: 'NWY3MjkzZjgtOWRiMi00Y2ZjLThjN2EtNjkzZjk3MTc5ZjE5',
appInfo: appInfo,
dialogConfig: dialogConfig,
child: const Center(child: Text('Flutter Demo Home Page'))),

Important: The xAPI key is the same key we copied in Step 3.

Step -9: Complete file just in case you want to get better understanding of past 3 steps

import 'dart:io';
import 'package:app_upgrade_flutter_sdk/app_upgrade_flutter_sdk.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {
runApp(const MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
const MyApp({super.key});

// This widget is the root of your application.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
AppInfo appInfo = AppInfo(
appName: 'flutter_force_update', // Your app name
appVersion: '1.0.2', // Your app version
platform: Platform.operatingSystem, // App Platform, android or ios
'development', // Environment in which app is running, production, staging or development etc.
appLanguage: 'en' // App language ex: en, es etc. Optional.

DialogConfig dialogConfig = DialogConfig(
dialogStyle: DialogStyle.material,
title: 'App update required!',
updateButtonTitle: 'Update Now',
laterButtonTitle: 'Later');

return MaterialApp(
title: 'Flutter Demo',
theme: ThemeData(
primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
home: Scaffold(
body: AppUpgradeAlert(
xApiKey: 'NWY3MjkzZjgtOWRiMi00Y2ZjLThjN2EtNjkzZjk3MTc5ZjE5',
appInfo: appInfo,
dialogConfig: dialogConfig,
child: const Center(child: Text('Flutter Demo Home Page'))),

Step -10 In your browser, go to https://appupgrade.dev/dashboard

  • On your dashboard click version button on your project you created earlier.

Step -11 Create Version that needs to be upgraded to Latest

  • Click on new version on top right corner
  • Fill the details

* VERY VERY IMPORTANT — App version is the older version from which you want users to upgrade to latest. NOT THE LATEST VERSION. Don’t get confused.

  • Make sure force upgrade is ticked.
  • You have to create two seperate ones for android and iOS and for all the versions that need to upgrade.

Step -12 Test



That’s all for this one. Hope it helped :-)

Github link:

Please find more flutter articles here: https://medium.com/@rafayk66/abdurs-flutter-articles-c201eff334b8

You can find me on
Twitter: — https://twitter.com/AbdurDeveloper

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Abdur Mohammed

React Native| Flutter | Senior Software Engineer | Sydney, Australia