How to Use Kasten for Kubernetes Backup, Recovery and Cross-Cluster Migration

3 min readNov 17, 2021


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Kasten for Kubernetes Backup, Recovery and Cross-Cluster Migration


(storage type beda misal harus “gp2”)


Getting Started

  • Add the Kasten Helm 10 repository
helm repo add kasten
  • Installing K10

for this example, I will give example to install Kasten on the cloud provider AWS. you also can use other cloud providers.

kubectl create namespace kasten-iohelm install k10 kasten/k10 — namespace=kasten-io \- set secrets.awsAccessKeyId=”Your_KeyID” \- set secrets.awsSecretAccessKey=”Your_Secret_access_Key”


using Other Kubernetes Distributions like HUAWEI, where you must set the storage class at Kasten Installation.

kubectl create namespace kasten-iohelm install k10 kasten/k10 — namespace=kasten-io \- set global.persistence.storageClass=csi-disk

> Output:

NAME: k10

LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Oct 25 13:45:10 2021

NAMESPACE: kasten-io

STATUS: deployed




Thank you for installing Kasten’s K10 Data Management Platform!

If You get this Error :

default-scheduler 0/1 nodes are available: 1 pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims.

It means you do not use a common cloud provider that already registered on Kasten (AWS, Azure, OpenShift, Google Cloud, and DigitalOcean). So you need to set “global.persistence.storageClass” like on HUAWEI.

  • Accest via Port-Forward
kubectl — namespace kasten-io port-forward service/gateway 8080:8000

use this to open:

  • Namespace Terminate

If want you terminate namespace kasten-io but stuck at namespcace status Terminated and not being delete properly by Kubernets.

kubectl get namespace “kasten-io” -o json \| tr -d “\n” | sed “s/\”finalizers\”: \[[^]]\+\]/\”finalizers\”: []/” \| kubectl replace — raw /api/v1/namespaces/kasten-io/finalize -f -
  • Backup Application or namespace in Kubernetes using Kasten
Kasten Create Policies Snapshot/backup

Policies → Create Policies

Action: Snapshot

Select Applications: By Name

Location Profile for Kanister Actions: S3-storage-AWS (You need to create Location profile first )

Kasten Location Profile
  • Migrate
  1. Step 1 (on your Source Cluster)

Applications → (Choose Application) → Export → (Choose restore point) → Export → save “export-key”

2. Step 2 (Destination Cluster)

Kasten Create Policies Migrate

Policies → Create Policies

Action: Import

Config Data for Import: (paste “export-key”)

* HELP !!!

A. Jika artifact sudah ada “No action was taken because the import artifacts already existed”

(on your Source Cluster)

1. Export baru

2. simpan “export-key”

(Destination Cluster)

3. Ganti “export-key” dengan yang baru dan jalankan Import

B. Patch atau anonnate skript yaml

1. Open Import or Restore

2. “Checkmark” [✓]

- [Restore] Apply transforms to restored resources

- [Import] Restore After Import → Apply transforms to restored resources

3. Add New Transform

4. Write custom “Display Name”

5. Resource [deployment/secret/service/etc.)

6. Operations → New Operation → (Replace/add)

7. Example

