The tragedy of the Jaldash community

Rafiqul Montu
3 min readFeb 6, 2019


Jaladash Women, Koralia, Hatiya, Noakhali

The tragedy of the Jaldash community. The crisis in the home of this community. Due to the lack of work three-hour meal troubles. Many families have left the area and have gone elsewhere.

In the coastal areas of Bangladesh there are people living in the community of the Jaldash community. They carry livelihood by fishing in rivers and oceans. But there is problem in catching their fish in the face of multi-pronged restrictions. Due to climate change and other natural causes, the life of the Jaldas community is endangered.

The Hatia island of Noakhali, a coastal district, is located in the mouth of the sea. This village was a village of Jaldash community near Koralia Bazar of Tamruddin Union. Here were hundreds of families. In 2014 I met them. Talk about There is no news of their life and livelihood. Within just 5 years, we have only one family in the year 2019. They are also looking for a way out.

There is no way in the village to realize that there are no people in the Jaldas community. Because, the Jaldash community houses near the Koralia Bazar. Not just the people. They left the small room and a piece of land they sold to the local residents. The inhabitants of the Jaldash community bought this little property cheaply by local residents. Why are they going to leave the area? This question was kept to the last surviving family members. They said,

We were here on the path of ancestors. The fish in the river Meghna is going on. Never used to fly in the sea. Boats and nets were ourselves. When the fish fell, it was good. Now I do not get the fish as before. There are many types of restrictions on fishing. Most of the year, fishing is blocked in some or no restrictions. We do not know anything except the river. How do we eat? What is the way without leaving it? That is why the people of our community are going away from here. We have also decided to leave.

I do not have the answer to the questions of the last family of the Jaldash Community that is near the tool Koralia Market. In the year 2014, I was looking for pictures of the people of this village’s Jaldas community. Show pictures of people in village Koriya. The people of the village know the people of the village. But holding back, they said, they have gone far more than they have.

Lazy boats lying on the banks of the river

I sighted on the other side of the coastal region. There are many small marginalized groups in this region. Those who struggle with the environment. Everywhere there is a lot of danger to the people of small communities. Climate change is a big danger for these people. There are many more issues related to it. So, families from one place to another in the hope of living.

