Believe Me, I am a Programmer

Alcohol + Terminal = (#”?*?(

3 min readJan 12, 2014

Based on a true story, dated January 10, 2014.

“Get the fuck up, Can you hear me?”

Followed by is a slap in my face, thanks to my Friend. I can hardly see anybody, my hands and legs are numb. As I work my best to stabilize my vision, I look at my watch. I can find that I had went past about an hour, but is unable to recollect anything.

Lets go back a day. I am Raghav, a twenty year-old Computer Science student with Obsessive–compulsive disorder and I am socially inept. I am proud to say that I am good at programming, literally good. But the worse side being, I will not focus on anything else if I start to code.

It was 9PM. I was coding a Password module of an application that I had been working on for over a year. As a Programmer, one knows that a Good program is one that comes with at least a few hundred errors initially. That’s my case. I have been debugging, nearly lost track of time. Finally, It was “Hell, Yeah!”. Things worked as I expected. I looked upon the clock, its 5AM.

“Well, Shit Happens. No sleep for you today.”, I said to myself.

I had been anticipating for this day for several weeks. Today, We are going on a visit to a multi-national Computer Manufacturer company. I prepared myself for the excitement. But it turned out as not that much as I expected. On our return journey, We asked “Why don’t we grab a drink?”. Who wouldn't want to miss a drink with friends. I nodded.

All I can remember then is me holding a glass and saying “Cheers!”. A Pause. The Slap happened. Adrenaline rushed and I lost all my drowsiness. I can find my friends laughing at me for something I am unaware of. I can presume that I did something funny, too funny later that day.

The next day in my college, I asked my friend (not the guy who slapped, I didn't to create an opportunity to get another one), “What happened earlier the day before?”. My friend burst into laughter. I was like “Shut the fuck up and tell me what happened yesterday”.

Here is the complete conversation,

My Friend exclaimed (with laughter) “Dude, You programmed when you were drunk.”

“Oh! Really? You’re kidding, right?”

My Friend continued, “You were so drunk that you said you are losing yourself and asked me to shoot out questions so that I don’t fall asleep”.

“What is the time now?” was the first question.

Thank God, I said the time correctly, unfortunately not the way I had expected or anyone else. I grabbed my smartphone out and I was so dumb that rather than looking at the time on the lockscreen or other place, I did something very weird.

“You opened Terminal and logged in as root user and typed the command hwclock and replied him the time”, narrated my friend.

I started to realize that I did things terribly funny. “Wait. It isn’t over”, paused my friend, “The funniest part comes now”.

“You asked If you’re holding a keyboard and I said No. After few minutes, you asked again if you’re holding a keyboard and having no other choices left, I said yeah, you’re now having a keyboard”, continues my friend.

“And then you started typing on my lap, waving your fingers, telling every line of the code you’re typing. You then said like I shouldn’t use this function, you should encrypt this and that”.

“I asked what you’re coding and you said that you are working on a password module for an application.”

“What’s your email password?”, interrupted another friend of mine who really gotten closer to take up that opportunity to get my password.

“Did I tell my Password??”, shouted me.

“Haha.. What you said was totally funny. You said that you were not authorized to tell the password. He interrogated you again asking who didn’t authorize and you said that you were not authorized to tell that either.”

Even I couldn't resist my laughter.

“You had been typing for over an hour in my lap, saying you got many errors to fix and finally stopped that you had completed executing the code without any errors”.


“You’re one hell of a programmer”, finished my friend.




I'm the guy who gazes at the moon during the day • 20• Student • Blogger • Entrepreneur • Co-Founder @Infaround • Cowboy @Zurp