A Deep Dive into AI Art — Introduction

Raghavendra Dabral
2 min readOct 10, 2022

Hello readers! This is a series of 6 articles which attempts to coherently explain how art and artificial intelligence are interconnected, and how big of an impact AI Art has amongst both, artists and developers. This is my first attempt towards technical writing, and I’ve tried maintaining a fine line between having well-researched explanations of all topics and keeping it easy-to-read for everyone. Do give all of them a read if you’re passionate either about art, or AI, or both. I apologize for any inconveniences. Hope you have a good read!

Significance of Art

Since prehistoric times, human beings have closely linked any and all forms of their work with some sort of artistic interpretation. Art, in all of its forms, plays a major role in how humans see and interact with each other and their environment. The earliest known examples of art are dated to 30000 BP, during the later stone age. This implies how art, in all its forms, allows humans to express themselves and take in perspectives that cannot be expressed via words.

Ever since its inception, art has crossed any and all limitations, from physical to intangible forms, i.e., people of all cultures, races, and ethnicities have some form of message or interpretation of any kind of artwork in their respective culture. Art has not only influenced aesthetes and artists to make more of it but has also helped record major historic events and narratives of the past, that would otherwise be long lost to trivial human wars and natural calamities.

Number 5 by Jackson Pollock

Over the years, the enduring appeal of art has changed from just admiration to articulation, intellectual contemplation, and depiction of the state of human society. However, the thing that abstract art stands for, which is triggering an emotional response from its viewers and letting them ponder about its meaning, is still very much intact.

Abstract art doesn’t necessarily depict anything that the real world has. It can simply be an expression of language or emotion using colors, patterns, forms and styles.

The best part about art is that all kinds of people experience it differently. One might simply admire the color schemes of a painting, while the other may look at the strokes and patterns it leads to. It starts out as a certain thought in the hands of the artist, and ends up as a completely different, unique thought in the eyes of the beholder.

Here’s the link to the next article: A Deep Dive into AI Art — Recent AI Breakthroughs

