An Ode To New York City

Raghav Batra
1 min readMar 30, 2020

You can also read this and more on my Wordpress blog.

Oh what has become of you New York City
I miss bumping into the hurried morning office crowd
Now it feels like there is no around even to give me a hug

No longer are the subways crowded and smelly
But everywhere a new fear sits and makes my throat dry
Because isolation and loneliness are our new reality

You were my hero and inspiration
The playground for mammoths such as Godzilla and King Kong
And yet it seems the smallest of organisms has done what most others couldn’t do

Our Big Apple has been infected from the core
The pride of the nation and world wails in pain
Knowing what will fix it is for it to not be itself

The lights of the city still shine at night
But oh, where oh is the soul, where is the New York I know
The City That Has Now Slept, please wake up soon

