The Irreplaceable Product Manager: Why AI Falls Short

Raghav Hugar
3 min readJul 11, 2023

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing the world, and product management is no exception. It has gained a lot of attention since it has the potential to automate many parts of our life. However, AI is unable to fully replace human product managers in the field of product management. While AI can automate some jobs and provide useful insights, product managers are indispensable in ensuring the success of products due to their specialised knowledge and expertise.

This blog examines the limitations of AI in product management and emphasises the essential value that human product managers bring to the table.

Strategic Vision and Decision-Making:

Product managers are in charge of formulating a product’s strategic vision and making crucial choices. They have a thorough awareness of the market, consumers, and corporate objectives. AI lacks the contextual understanding, intuition, and judgement that product managers contribute to strategic decision-making, despite the fact that it can analyse vast volumes of data and offer insights. Product managers take into account a variety of variables, analyse trade-offs, and make decisions that are in line with the organization’s long-term vision and objectives.

User Empathy and Insight:

Understanding user needs and translating them into valuable product features is a crucial aspect of product management. While AI can process user data and identify patterns, it falls short in capturing the nuanced user preferences, motivations, and emotions that inform product decisions. Human product managers excel at empathizing with users, conducting user research, and translating insights into meaningful solutions. They possess the ability to perceive subtle cues and feedback that AI algorithms may miss, allowing them to create products that truly resonate with users.

Collaboration and Relationship Building:

To create a product, product managers work with cross-functional teams that include engineers, designers, marketers, and sales teams. They are excellent at fostering connections, enabling communication, and fostering agreement among many parties. AI lacks the communication abilities and emotional intelligence necessary for productive teamwork. Product managers coordinate teams to coordinate efforts and accomplish common goals by navigating complicated dynamics, managing opposing viewpoints, and bringing teams together.

Adaptability and Innovation:

Product managers work in a constantly shifting environment where creativity and agility are essential. They continually keep an eye on market trends, assess the competition, and spot new opportunities. Although AI can analyse data and offer insights, it is unable to think creatively or come up with novel ideas. Product managers are able to spot gaps, change course with strategies, and promote product innovation because of their special combination of business savvy, inventiveness, and adaptability.

Customer Advocacy:

Within an organisation, product managers represent the voice of the consumer. To make sure the product offers value and satisfies their demands, they interact with customers, collect feedback, and do user research. AI may gather user data, but it cannot take the role of human interaction in developing connections with clients and fully comprehending their problems. By incorporating client feedback into the product development process and guaranteeing a user-centric approach, product managers act as an advocate for the interests of the consumer.


While AI technologies continue to advance and bring valuable insights and automation to various industries, they fall short when it comes to replacing human product managers. The future lies in leveraging the synergy between AI and product managers. By embracing AI as a tool and harnessing its capabilities, product managers can enhance their work, make more informed decisions, and drive product success. The unique skills, insights, and creativity that product managers possess, combined with AI’s capabilities, can lead to exceptional products that truly resonate with users.



Raghav Hugar

Product & Growth @Blowhorn | Ex @Practo | Ex @Happay. Amateur Photographer & Comedy Enthusiast