How to Store Passwords in Microservice Databases

Raghavendra Acharya
3 min readJan 23, 2024


In the realm of microservices, where applications are broken down into smaller, independent services, one critical concern emerges: how to securely store passwords within the database. A data breach in one microservice can have cascading effects, compromising the entire system. This article delves into the best practices for securing password storage in microservice databases, ensuring your valuable data remains under lock and key.

The Perils of Plain Text

Storing passwords in plain text is akin to leaving your front door wide open. Any intruder who gains access to the database can effortlessly steal user credentials, granting them unfettered access to your system. This not only exposes sensitive data but also undermines user trust and can have severe legal ramifications.

Hashing: The First Line of Defense

The first line of defense against password breaches is hashing. Hashing algorithms convert plaintext passwords into a unique string of characters, rendering them unreadable even if the database is compromised. Popular hashing algorithms like bcrypt and PBKDF2 add an extra layer of security by incorporating a random salt alongside the password. This salt effectively personalizes the hash, making it significantly harder for attackers to crack passwords using pre-computed rainbow tables.

Beyond Hashing: Additional Safeguards

While hashing is crucial, it’s not a silver bullet. Here are some additional measures to bolster your password security:

  • Use a Key Derivation Function (KDF): A KDF stretches the hash further, increasing the computational cost of brute-force attacks.
  • Regularly Update Hashing Algorithms: As computing power grows, older hashing algorithms become vulnerable. Regularly update your hashing algorithms to stay ahead of the curve.
  • Implement Secure Password Policies: Enforce strong password requirements, such as minimum length, complexity, and regular updates.

Centralized vs. Decentralized Storage

When it comes to storing passwords in a microservice architecture, two main approaches emerge: centralized and decentralized storage.

  • Centralized Storage: A dedicated authentication service stores and manages passwords for all microservices. This simplifies password management but introduces a single point of failure.
  • Decentralized Storage: Each microservice stores its own passwords. This approach offers better isolation and resilience but requires meticulous coordination and security measures across all services.

The choice between centralized and decentralized storage depends on your specific needs and security posture.

Leveraging External Solutions

Several cloud providers and third-party services offer secure password management solutions specifically designed for microservices. These solutions can be a valuable option for organizations seeking a comprehensive and readily deployable security solution.


  • Never store passwords in plain text.
  • Always use strong hashing algorithms and a random salt.
  • Consider additional security measures like KDFs and regular algorithm updates.
  • Weigh the pros and cons of centralized vs. decentralized storage.
  • Explore external password management solutions.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your passwords remain secure within your microservice databases, safeguarding your valuable data and user trust.


In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, protecting passwords is paramount. By implementing the strategies outlined above, you can rest assured that your microservice databases are fortified against unauthorized access, keeping your data and users safe from harm.



Raghavendra Acharya

Software developer with experience in application development in Node js, and Javascript. Founder at Lira software LLP :