Become a Software Developer Rather Than XYZ Developer

Understand The True Measure of a Developer’s Worth

Raghav Joshi
6 min readAug 17, 2024
Photo by Cottonbro Studio

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With the rapid proliferation of frameworks, programming languages, and software tools, a growing divide is emerging among people.

What Made Me Write This Article?

Since becoming active on Medium, I’ve noticed a rising trend in criticism and comparisons since my last active sessions. Many articles now engage in debates over different frameworks, programming languages, and tools.

For instance, in the realm of App Development, you’ll notice that the most engaging articles tend to be the ones that spark debates and contradictions among the communities. It goes like

React vs Flutter vs Native, Which One is the Best?

Why Flutter may die(mostly written by React/Native developers), and vice versa.

Why Native Development is a Sunset Industry?

Kotlin is Here! RIP Java

For the sake of getting clicks & attention, these writers sometimes go to extremes by criticizing at levels that could cross ethical boundaries.

Experts in a particular framework often become so biased that they refuse to accept any criticism. To make matters worse, legacy developers also begin to criticize newer technologies.

Things are even worse at lower levels, people are even fighting over the packages or dependencies. People are fighting over State Management solutions, charting libraries, and a lot more.

This is not restricted to this platform, this has been everywhere, be it YouTube, X, & even in Institutes, Universities & Organizations.

One thing I would like to remind everyone is

Change is the only Constant

Okay, But Why do They do So?

There can be a lot of factors which I can assume by reading their articles. I’ll list the top 3 of these


“The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts.”

— Bertrand Russell

Insecurity, I believe, plays a major role in why such articles surface. When developers or writers feel uncertain about their own expertise or the longevity of the technology they specialize in, they may resort to harsh criticism or polarizing opinions. By attacking competing frameworks or newer technologies, they attempt to reinforce their own choices and maintain a sense of relevance. This insecurity can fuel the need to defend their knowledge base, often leading to articles that are more focused on tearing down alternatives rather than offering constructive insights.

Monetary Incentives

“In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

— George Orwell

Sensational or controversial content tends to generate more clicks and engagement. Writers may intentionally adopt extreme positions to attract traffic and increase ad revenue or gain visibility. Even today, the crowded space of tech blogs and forums drives some writers to take bold stances or controversial positions just to stand out, even if those opinions aren’t balanced or fully justified.

Maybe They are a Bit More Caring & Overconcerned

“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty.”

— Sir Winston Churchill

Certainly! Not every writer who discusses controversial topics or expresses strong opinions does so out of a desire to undermine or criticize for personal gain. Sometimes, their goal is to bring attention to potential risks or challenges that might not be immediately apparent.

For instance, a writer might address issues with a new framework or tool not because they are biased or seeking to generate controversy, but because they believe it’s important for the community to be aware of possible pitfalls or limitations. Their intention is to provide a balanced perspective and contribute to a more informed discussion, helping others make better decisions based on a broader understanding of the potential risks involved.

What Everyone Must Understand?

One of the most notable verses by Shri Krishna, according to Hindu mythology, from Chapter 2, Verse 22

“वासांसि जीर्णानि यथा विहाय,
नवानि गृह्णाति नरोऽपराणि।
तथा शरीराणि विहाय जीर्णा,
न्यानि संयाति नवानि देही।।”

Translation: “As a person discards old garments and puts on new ones, similarly, the soul discards the old and worn-out body and enters a new one.”

This verse metaphorically expresses that change is an inevitable part of life.

Software engineering is always a buzz due to its ever-evolving nature. Nobody would have predicted that just a tool launched 2 years ago, called ChatGPT, could disrupt a wide range of industries overnight.

Similarly fighting over stuffs that add no value is irrelevant.

Consider a beginner who is just starting their career in programming and has chosen to work with an XYZ solution. If they come across articles that spark disbelief and self-doubt about their choice, it can be quite unsettling.

So What’s The Solution?

Software Engineering is the solution

“Software Engineering is all about solving a problem statement.”

It’s good that we try to write articles that explain what Software Engineering is all about. It’s not about frameworks, programming languages, and tools, it’s about solving a particular Problem Statement.

To address a specific problem, leveraging the power of diversity can be highly effective. Instead of letting a particular domain framework dictate the solution, it’s more advantageous to choose the framework that best fits your needs.

Adaptability: The True Measure of a Developer’s Worth

In a world where new frameworks and tools emerge almost daily, the ability to adapt is what sets successful developers apart. Instead of being tethered to a single technology, a true software developer is someone who can pick up any language or framework as needed, assess its strengths and weaknesses, and apply it effectively to solve problems.

Consider the rapid rise of technologies like serverless computing or AI-driven development tools. Developers who can quickly adapt to these new paradigms will always have an edge over those who stick rigidly to a single framework or language.

Real-World Success Through Adaptability

Netflix is a prime example of a company that thrived through adaptability. Originally running on physical servers, they recognized the limitations of their infrastructure and made the bold decision to migrate to the cloud. This adaptability allowed them to scale efficiently and maintain their status as a leader in the streaming industry.

Read more:

Similarly, Instagram initially launched with an HTML5-based app but quickly realized the need to switch to native code to enhance performance. This adaptability contributed to its massive success and user satisfaction.

Read more:

Fostering Healthy Debates

While debates over frameworks and tools are inevitable, it’s important to approach them with a balanced perspective. Healthy discussions, when grounded in facts and open-mindedness, can lead to innovative solutions and a deeper understanding of the technologies involved.

Instead of focusing on tearing down alternatives, let’s strive to engage in discussions that are constructive and educational, contributing to the collective knowledge of the community.

Ending Notes

Even when I was new to the field, I used to call myself XYZ Developer. That eventually made me possessive about that framework, making me reluctant to adapt to the changes happening rapidly around the tech industry. But as my experience grew, as I worked on more projects, and met more people, slowly I eventually transitioned from XYZ Developer to Software Developer.

Previously, I used to revolve around XYZ Framework, now I can just pick any framework, learn about it, and start solving the problems for the same based on the requirements.

If you’re a beginner, one strong advice I would suggest is, to pick any one language/framework that you’ve decided on, get through the possible corners of it and stick to it until you gain the confidence out of it.

I hope I see less of such articles and hope to read some better and more constructive articles that actually add value to the community.

Thanks for patiently reading and sorry If I went too harsh on some places.

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