Enhancing the user experience of ShareMe app

6 min readNov 26, 2022


Aiming at the user experience for the ShareMe app, I have created an easy-to-access location, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth settings. It reduces their session length for users.

❤️ Introduction & Why I started the design challenge

Since my childhood, I have been fascinated by problem-solving and design. So when I knew about UX design I was excited and started research. I joined an institute. After a while, Nagasai Parasa suggested to attend 2 weeks Kick start workshop for UX which was conducted by GROWTH SCHOOL. Mentoring by Anudeep Ayyagari(UX Guru).

My Journey started with 2-week Kickstarted Workshop and I learned a lot of concepts like Fundamental Principles, Heuristics, etc…

Some of my biggest takeaways:
1. I am not a user. 😉
2. Opening UX’s third eye. 👁
3. Throw your perfection mentality in the dustbin. 🚮
4. Are you a human? humans make mistakes & learn from them. 🤔
5. Focuses on fundamentals. 🔠
6. Student for life. 😎

And got to know that we will be doing an Evaluative Design exercise in 2 days.I began on 24 November 2022, by taking the problem, and I finished it on 26 November 2022.

❤️ The problem & final app redesign for enhanced user experience.

About ShareMe app:

ShareMe app allows users to transfer various types of files from one device to another.
Example: User can send APK files, MP4 files, etc.

The problem I am going to talk about:

Problems Identified

In this case study, I will be talking about how I tried to make the experience for ShareMe users better. The problem was that if the user need to send/receive any files after opening the app, user confuses about whether Wi-Fi & Bluetooth & Location Settings were turned on or not. I am also experiencing the same issue frequently.

These actions must be taken by the user if they want to turn it on

Example: Location settings flow.

And We are unable to switch to another network once we are connected.

In my opinion, this is the best solution :

In the recommendations I provided, the user can easily access their settings and know about their current status.

What is the solution and How does it help the users

Users can quickly know the status. There is no need to turn it on or off confusion because it works more on “Recognition Rather Than Recall”, and by clicking it, a user can change the way it is flexible and efficient.

What Business Metric Does it affect

This shortens the time it takes for the user to check their status, “shortening the search session and lowering drop-off rates”.

-✨✨ How I Reached the Final Solution ✨✨-

❤️ Reason I picked the App and the Flow

With the knowledge from the “User Center Design” Workbook from the workshop, I began to list down common sense questions and common sense ideas for the problem and tried to connect them with the heuristic.

Here are some of the questions and the answers I came up with:

Q: what issues they are dealing with
Ans: They are trying to visit Check the settings and verifying whether or not they are turned on.
Heuristic — Recognition Rather Than Recall

Q: What will happen if it is turned off?
Ans: They take several steps to turn on.
Heuristic — User control & freedom

❤️Brainstorming for Ideas to Solve the Problems I Identified

I developed a few ideas from the issues listed in the evaluation stage, which are listed below.

Idea 1:Add a button to the top that allows users to change settings and check the status of the device (on or off).

Idea 2: After the app launches will popups ask you to enable these settings.

I made the decision to move forward with Idea 1 after some brain storming and discussion with my group.

❤️How I Started Turning my Idea Into a Prototype (Low-Fidelity)

Low-Fidelity Prototype

I was very eager to put my concept on paper and see it come to fruition as a feature. In order to illustrate the concept, I created a number of screens and explained how each feature worked.

Link to Marvel prototype: https://marvelapp.com/prototype/j360ii4/screen/89773692

❤️ Developing my prototype Act like a real application

Then, I added Bluetooth and Wi-Fi location buttons in accordance with the current layout.

❤️High-fidelity prototyping

❤️Testing the Usability and Efficiency of My Solutions.

Now that I’ve finished designing in accordance with the issue discovered during the heuristic evaluation. I will put the designs to the test with actual users to make sure they function properly and to fix anything that doesn’t.

Tasks for the users
1. What app do you use to send large files and apk files? (some answers are different)
2. Can any file be sent or received using ShareMe?
3. Do you have any problems with this app?

My considerations

1. Is the user using the app or not?
2. Is the user getting confused turns on/off his settings?
3. how many steps will he or she take to accomplish their objectives?
4. Is it simple for the user to change the network?
5. Are there any other issues with that app that are user-facing?

Observation notes from User 1

  • -He is trying to confirm whether the settings are on or off.
    -3–4 clicks were required to enable location settings.
    -It’s a little bit harder to use the send or receive option at the top of the screen.
    -It takes a very long time to transfer larger files.

Observation notes from User 1

  • -He is trying to confirm whether the settings are on or off.
    -Activated Wi-Fi settings by completing two steps.
    -If they send to an iPhone, they frequently encounter connectivity problems.

❤️After Usability Testing, Improving My Redesigned Screens

I discovered that the user had to click the send or receive button during usability testing. so I chose to lay it down like below.

❤️My Learning from this Project

1. The importance of having a clear understanding of UX fundamentals.

2. Importance of having a clear understanding of 10 Heuristic laws.

3. User testing and validation are really important because what works for you can be of no use to someone else.

4. I now understand the value of UX, because now I’ve understood that even a popular app’s flow can be examined and improved.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. It would be great to hear your feedback.❤️

