A Brief Description Of The Character Classes in Ragnamaple

Ragnamaple Official
2 min readNov 4, 2021

Ragnamaple is a unique “play to earn” fantasy game with an open world and huge rewards!

During the game, player will be provided with some basic characters of different classes, each come with their own unique abilities.

Type of character classes:

Warrior — a strong melee character that takes the brunt of the blow during battles! They have a large health reserve and powerful armor! After the Warrior gains enough experience points. he first may change job to a Knight, and then — into a Lord Knight.

Warrior skills = Heavy Strike, Provoke, Perseverance

Knight skills = Rage, Radiant Blast, ???

Lord Knight skills = Lightning Hammer, Fortification, ???

Archer — this class is not surpassed in ranged combat, and can hit enemies from a distance. In addition to shooting, these characters can lure enemies into a trap, as well as deftly evade attacks.

After the Archer gains enough experience points, she will change job to Hunter and then into a Marksman.

Archer skills = Double Strafe, Arrow Shower, Concentration

Hunter skills = Soul Arrow, Beast Strike, ???

Marksman skills = Sharp Eyes, Call of the Wind, ???

Healer — Heals her team with magic, healing wounds and enhancing the properties of allies. In addition, healers are skilled fighters against the undead and demon. Healer changes job to a Priest, and then into a High Priest.

Healer skills = Heal, Blessing, Weaken

Priest skills = Divine Protection, Holy Blast, ???

High Priest skills = Heaven’s Path, Ultimatum, ???

Magician — destroys her enemies with powerful magic. Due to the large amount of magical energy, they can provide invaluable assistance in raids on in-game bosses. Magician changes job to a Wizard, then into an Arch Mage.

Magician skills = Fire Ball, Wind Strike, Frost Dance

Wizard skills = Thunderstorm, Deep Focus, ???

Arch Mage skills = Black Hole, Grand Finale, ???

Thief is the most dexterous and cunning character in the game. They know how to hide from enemies. as well as stealthily take what they need. The thief attacks his opponents at the most unexpected moment. Thief changes job to Assassin and then into Phantom.

Thief skills = Shadow Star, Steal, Sneak Strike

Assassin skills = Dirty Bomb, Sonic Blow, ???

Phantom skills = Venom Menace, Dark Illusion, ???

Join the amazing universe of Ragnamaple in the coming January 2022 beta launch!

Website: https://ragnamaple.io/

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