Misusing the concept of feminism…

4 min readDec 16, 2017


Women are the most beautiful beings in this world .They deserve the fullest amount of respect not only because they are strong but also because they possess many characteristics which men don’t possess , that eventually helps them in playing the toughest roles in the humanity. They play role of a mother , a sister, a wife,a girlfriend and many more.

They should be respected in the best possible ways.

But will the next generation get many women left to be shown huge amount of respect ? Or the numbers of respectful women are falling day by day.

Is the concept of feminism misused?

Feminism means the advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes. It supports equality which is the best thing that can happen in order to get this struggling society developed and beautiful.But are the issues and happenings or more particularly habits that few women nowadays practice and demand truly satisfies feminism?Well, they call themselves feminists, but can they be considered as feminists?

Wife returns home drunk and the husband can’t change this habit of hers . Is it feminism? Because they say that when men do the same they are not judged .Well its true upto certain extent that men are not judged always.

Is consumption of alcohol injurious to health of men only? Because they say they shouldn’t be judged as the males are not judged.

People judge women when they smoke.Well that is wrong .But is smoking injurious to health of men only?

If men are not judged when they use slangs publicly then why should the women be judged? Well that is the bad habit of men to misuse the literature.

And why they think that men are not judged because of their bad habits?

They are judged ,they are hated ,steps to change them are practiced.Few never changes , but that is the problem of theirs only, but not all men are same. Is it the time to consider all men same? Or is it the time to protest together(both men and women ) against those men who don’t qualify to be men ?History says, there were men who protested and stopped the society from many cruel deeds against women and that proves all men are not same.And to fight against those few who don’t possess the backbone to be a man we both(men and women) should take necessary steps .

Is practicing the worst habits of men a step towards bringing feminism in the society? Well somehow it is nowadays.But I doubt on that kind of feminism.

Well there are many more misdeeds that few of them had started practicing in order to fight against the male dominated society.But are those the right ways to fight?

Will there be equality everywhere in the future if everything continues in this way? Are all cases of judging a woman truly backward approaches compared to the modern society? Or the approaches are matured and strong enough to remove the camouflage of a different kind of feminism that few females brought .

If this continues in the future will the world judge both genders equally?

Or the bonding between both these genders will decrease to that level that they will soon start practicing deeds that may harm themselves as well as the opposites.

Will that be the most matured and the best strategy to bring equality in the society?

What about them who don’t support these?What about them who still belongs to the category that few illiterates call backwards? Will the happy families that exist now struggle for their existences in the future, in a new society ?A society , that will fake to stay together,that will fake selflessnesses, that will fake morality, that will fake humanity, that will fake justice, that will fake bonding between siblings, that will fake bonding between couples , that will fake bonding of marriage, that will fake the bond between best friends.The new society where they dominates (who misuses feminism).

Or the best things that can happen are :-

Where people will judge both men and women for practicing bad habits publicly, where people are comfortable with all sorts of dresses that women may wear, where there will be no fear on roads when a woman returns late at night, when women will not be answerable to any kind of matters that they consider as private, where they will be treated equally with men , where both men and women will be answerable to any misdeeds, where both of them gets justice of any kind as quickly as possible, where the rapists when proved to be wrong may not get a chance to live anymore and gets a death sentence as soon as possible, where the criminals will be getting punished irrespective of sex, profession, caste, creed, religion etc.

There are many more that should happen.And then, we can dream of building a beautiful world in the future.These are the ones we (both men and women ) want.Ain’t they ? So, to remove them who are practicing wrong deedsdaily, we both (men and women) needs to fight.Not amongst ourselves . But with them who are responsible for creating the situations where by mistake women may misjudge good men.

So, let us change ourselves.We (men and women of this generation) will be held responsible for whatever the world becomes in the nearest future. It depends on us to decorate this motherland .Before practicing feminism we all must learn what it is actually. If we become successful in understanding feminism properly and start practicing it everywhere, then we may built a different world soon enough.But misusing it will kill all our dreams eventually.

