4 Reasons Why Gold Is An Amazing Metal And How to Recognise Fake Gold

Rahau Mihai
3 min readJun 19, 2022

These are just a few of the many reasons why gold is so valuable.


Gold is a delicate, golden metal with a lovely luster. It is the element with the greatest malleability and ductility. Gold is malleable enough to be rolled into semi-transparent sheets, and it is ductile enough to be drawn into wires tiny enough to be used in semiconductors. One ounce of gold (28 g) may be hammered out to 300 square feet. Gold is the metal equivalent of Play-Doh.


Gold is an excellent conductor of both heat and electricity. Silver has the greatest heat conductivity and light reflectance of any precious metal. Despite the fact that silver is the greatest conductivity, copper and gold are more often utilized in electrical applications because copper is less costly and gold has significantly superior corrosion resistance. Gold is utilized to produce long-lasting electrical connections in all sorts of gadgets since it never corrodes and can be moulded to any form.


On the Periodic Table, gold is one of the least reactive elements. It never rusts or corrodes because it does not react with oxygen. Except for aqua regia (a blend of hydrochloric acid and nitric acid), which may dissolve gold…



Rahau Mihai

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