Indonesian International Student Mobility Award (IISMA): How to be an awardee?

6 min readNov 1, 2021


“Chicken or noodles?”, she said.

“Chicken please”, I said.

She handed me a bread and a plate full of chicken set.

This is the first time I realized that my journey in Turkey will be that much exciting. I was quick to perceive that this food culture-shock will lead me to another culture-shocks, which will also give me a great time. Maybe timeless lessons too.

That’s a little story about me going abroad for learning something, in this case academically. So how can I study abroad while I am barely studying in Bogor? Sure, student exchange program. Let me introduce you to IISMA by Kampus Merdeka. I hope this article helps you to at least know about the path and be brave to take part in this program.

What is IISMA by Kampus Merdeka?

IISMA is a program of Kampus Merdeka conducted by Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia. This program allows you to study abroad for 1 semester and take courses that are totally different from your major right now. Don’t worry, all of the courses you take could be transferred to your current university up to 20 SKS. I really like the idea of Kampus Merdeka because this program breaks the limit to learn something from universities. We have a chance to learn everything instead of being trapped in our major.


This program has many benefits from the scholarship to the valuable moments during the exchange program. IISMA covers any fund including tuition fee, flight ticket, living cost, insurance, PCR test, and visa for sure. So it’s fully funded. For me, it’s not just about the prestigious scholarship but also every moment I live to be the better me. This journey helps me to know myself better, to know what I will do, to meet many inspiring people, and to think about how I can contribute back to my community.

To know more about the objectives, activities, benefits, and related information, you can download the official guide book here.

What are the requirements of IISMA Awardee?

I’m gonna put the list below because these are requirements you have to meet if you wanna be an awardee:

  • WNI and live in Indonesia
  • Your university is PTN or PTS under Kemdikbud
  • You are a 4–7 semester undergraduate student (S1)
  • You are nominated by your university
  • You have minimum score of IELTS: 6.0, Toefl iBT: 78, Toefl ITP: 550, or Duolingo English Test: 100. Just choose one and make sure it’s still valid until the application period
  • Never got an exchange program scholarship before
  • Ready to follow every rules and regulations from Kemdikbud during the program

What should I do if I want to be an awardee?

The big steps are just apply and follow the selection processes. But sure, I highly recommend you to take small steps below before those big steps. I will divide the steps based on the 1st batch of the selection processes.

  1. Document Selection

Basically this is the most common selection process in every program, literally every program from school, organization, scholarship, and so on. Maybe you’re familiar with. I personally will say that this stage is the most important part. I met many friends of mine who couldn’t apply to this program because of the documents or the will to complete the documents, you name it. So make sure your documents are right in your hand.

a. Home University Nomination Letter

Before you jump into the selection process by IISMA. You need to pass your university selection. But don’t worry, some universities didn’t do selection and just give you a nomination letter by filling g-form plus required data probably. Ask your university’s International Cooperation Office for further information.

b. GPA and Academic Transcript

If you’re a freshman or sophomore and interested in applying to this program sometimes. Please fight for your GPA. I’m not saying it has to be perfect 4.0, of course will be good if it’s above the minimum GPA required (mostly 3.0) from the host university (re: universitas tujuan). For the junior mates, chin-up cause the selection is not only based on GPA. Prepare your GPA in the form of English version academic transcript.

c. English Proficiency Certificate

It’s a must. There are several types of English proficiency certificates that the host universities receive. It could be IELTS, Toefl iBT, Toefl ITP, and Duolingo English Test. My tips are to learn English as early as you can and make it fun by watching videos, reading books, or learning it through games. Glad you read this article, you’re just learning English right now.

“What type of English test do I need to take? How much do I need to achieve if I want to apply for IISMA?“

Depends on the host universities. You can see the minimum score for GPA and English Proficiency Certificate here.

Here’s the plus minus of every type of English Proficiency Test. Please choose what kind of English proficiency test that is most suitable for you.

d. Essays

Yay we’ve come to the most exciting part of your process. I could say that essay is the most anticipated requirement that will bring you turmoil.

“So what kind of essay do I need to write?”

Basically, they give you questions and you need to answer those questions. For batch 1, there are 4 questions and each question has limited word (200 words).

Here are the questions:

  1. Discuss your past academic achievements (the process and skills involved related to your degree program)
  2. Outline your plans to engage with local and international communities during IISMA program
  3. Discuss when you faced difficult academic challenge and how you navigated through it
  4. Discuss how this program could help you achieve your goals and how can you contribute back to IISMA

Some tips for writing essays, make it personal, unique, and in line with the vision/mission of the program. So find your “why” deep in your heart and create a mission how to achieve your “why”. Talking about writing an essay’s kinda time consuming if I put it here, so let’s see if you’re interested in my article hahahhaha.

e. Courses

There are many uniques courses provided by host universities. You allowed to take 3–4 courses during the program. At first, IISMA only gives 6–10 list of courses. But in some cases, the host university give you the full list of courses that available to exchange students in that semester. You can take courses from your major or other major as well. IISMA also expected you to take courses that fullfiled these particular expected competencies. It will be better for you to talk to your academic advisor or department. You can look the 1st batch university courses list here.


f. Passport

You can make it after you already accepted to this program or you can make it even before you know you’ll study abroad, just like me while manifesting it. Go to the nearest immigration office and grab your passport bby.

g. Curriculum Vitae

So many questions about “I don’t have a single achievement or ever win a competition. Can I apply to this program?” Of course you can, cause everybody deserves a chance. I don’t win many competitions, I join just 1 organization, and being homebody while watching Kdramas all the time. So just be brave to do all the steps and be ready to study abroad. If you’re someone with a bunch of achievements, good for you and I’m proud of you. So keep it up.

2. Interview

The most thrilling thing in the selection process. They will give you 15–20 minutes to answer all the questions and the questions based on yourself and your essays. So, make sure you understand your own essays deeply. Maybe there will be a unique question as well. Prepare yourself, be honest, and be confident.

We’ve come to the end of the article. I hope this will help you navigate through the IISMA application. If you have suggestions or questions feel free to contact me on instagram @rahmahnn.

Don’t let your doubt blocks you to live the life you want.

update (25/1/24)

Check the newest information of IISMA application on:

