My HackBio Internship Experience

Jabale Rahmat
2 min readSep 5, 2020


About me and my journey towards science………!

I am Jabale Rahmat, and this is my story. Growing up, I was fascinated by the world of archaeology and anthropology taught in my history classes in class six. As time passed, I figured it was rather the quirky approach of the primitive humans to solve their life problems that captured my interest. This was my first encounter with science — Humans figuring out solutions to problems, seeking answers beyond what was evident by the 5 primary senses; this was a world where logic, mathematics and patterns lead to an accelerated learning of self and surrounding that was simply unheard of. This curiosity driven penchant for science, particularly Life sciences, drove me towards Biochemistry. I had finally found my passion and decided to dedicate my life’s work for it. As such, I completed my Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry from Independent University Bangladesh. During the latter part of my course, I began to comprehend and appreciate the revolutionary standings of Information Technology in driving the forefront of research in the field of Genetics and Genomics; The blueprint of all organisms, hidden in the sequences of Genomes, has now started to unravel in an unprecedented rate.

The boon of massive computational power is harnessed by the experts in the field of bioinformatics to decode the treasure hidden behind the genomic blueprint of the living organisms. Adding computer technology with life sciences became a notion, as within a short span of time, intricate questions in the field were answered. Acquiring knowledge and experience in this field has been a long time wish, which got to be fulfilled by HackBio internship program.

“””Transit in HackBio during my journey with science”””

When I got the news that I have been selected as a participant, excitement went through my spine. I was looking forward to this since the first day to enhance my knowledge in. HackBio provided me with a platform with experts in the field who helped me immensely to sharpen my knowledge and achieve new skills. Working in a collaborative manner in this internship, I got acquainted with tools like MAFFT, FASTREE, GITHUB, and GALAXY server. In addition, I could develop my skills using the DESqe2 package in R programming.

Slack handle: @Jabale




Jabale Rahmat

In this vast universe, I am stuck between oblivion and consciousness. The element that keeps me awake is science. I love to think about the origin of life.