Most Asked Android Interview Questions In 2022

Rahnuma Sharib
5 min readNov 22, 2022


Hey Android Folks,

Hi, I am Rahnuma Sharib, I have mentored many developers, and their efforts landed them high-paying tech jobs, helped many tech companies in solving their unique problems. I am passionate about sharing knowledge through open-source, blogs, and videos.

I habitually note down questions immediately after completing my interview round. I have listed down below some interview questions for senior developers and tried to include answers to most questions as well.


  • What is the diff between encapsulation & abstraction give practical example
  • HashMaps vs HashTables
  • Explain OOP Concepts.
  • When to use array & Array List
  • What is the volatile keyword
  • What is the transient keyword
  • What is a diff between a string buffer & string builder
  • Why is string immutable
  • What is the diff between encapsulation & abstraction (practical example)
  • class A -> extends class B, implements interface C. Both have the same method fun add() {}, Which one will be implemented in class A?
    Try yourself
  • What is the difference between String test = new String(“X”) & String test = “X”. Explain String constant pool & String literal


  • When I am in my activity get a phone call what will be the lifecycle of the activity
  • When I am in my activity get a phone call what will be the lifecycle of the fragment inside my activity
  • Fragment, activity and application life cycle and when there life cycle method get trigger.
  • Difference between fragment or activity
  • What is fragment.
  • What happen when we press back button on activity A.
  • Which activity life cycle method trigger when orientation change.
  • When onDistroy will get called before onPause or onStop.
  • Type of services in Android
  • What do you think about NavHost in navigation
  • What are SOLID principles?
  • What is broadcast receiver and content provider and how can we implement it.
  • Advantage of using recycle view over list and grid view.
  • Launch mode and there type and differences.
  • Data binding and its type.
  • How to pass data from activity to fragment or fragment to fragment.
  • Difference between adding or replacing a fragment.
  • What is Intent and its type
  • Constraint layout and its advantage
  • Difference between push value and set value ( Live Data )
  • Advantage of using live data
  • Dex file
  • Which database you use and why
  • Benefit of using Room database
  • Difference between room and sqlite.
  • Difference between service and thread.
  • What's is concurrency.
  • How to improve app performance
  • What is memory leak and how to avoid it
  • How to go back on previous fragment when click on back button
  • How to communicate between service and activity
  • What is concurrency
  • On which thread service run and how can we change the thread.
  • Job intent service and its purpose
  • How to improve application performance.
  • What is memory leak and how to solve it.
  • How service will communicate with activity.
  • What is job scheduler and its work.
  • Parameter constructer and non parameter constructer are good and why in fragment.


  • What are the benefits of Kotlin over Java
  • Explain the use of lateinit & lazy keywords
  • How to check lateinit class is initialize or not.
  • What is null safety in Kotlin?
  • What is the diff between Var & Val and const and val
  • What is Elvis operator?
  • What is Flow API in Kotlin
  • Explain coroutines in kotlin
  • What are scoped functions and there use in kotlin
  • What is singleton class and how can you declare it?
  • what is the diff between companion obj & object
  • Used extension functions? example
  • Data class and how its different from other classes.
  • Sealed class.
  • What is suspend function.
  • what is the diff between static & singleton Explain @jvmstatic @jvmoverloads @jvmfiled
  • Difference between volatile and syncronized.
  • Live data, Mutable live data and Mediator live data
  • Advantage of live data
  • What is flow , state flow and shared flow
  • Extension, inline, inflix and high order function and there benefit in term of memory.
  • Difference between public ( visiblity modifier ) and open keyword
  • Difference between volatile and synchronized.
  • Arraymap and hashmap.
  • How hashmap work in background.
  • What is referential equality and structal equality.
  • Will reference of two data class with same set of data will it be equal or not?

Kotlin Coroutines.

  • What is coroutines.
  • What is coroutines dispatchers there type and work.
  • What is coroutines scope and its type.
  • What is coroutines context.
  • What is coroutines builder, its type and there work.
  • Difference between launch and async


  • What is ViewModel and its advantage.
  • How to instantiate viewmodel.
  • What is the difference between ViewModel and AndroidViewModel.
  • How ViewModel work internally.
  • How ViewModel retain data during configuration change.
  • During configuration change activity distroy and re-create then how view-model instance remain same.
  • What is view-model factory & how to pass data in view model constructor
  • Difference between shared view model and view model.

Dependency Injection.

  • What is Dependency Injection and its benefit.
  • Where should we write code of DI.
  • How hilt provide required object should we write it.


  • What is MVVM, and how does it work and its advantage.
  • what is the diff between MVP/MVC & MVVM

Networking libraries ( Retrofit & Volley )

  • Which one you prefer to use and why?
  • advantage of using retrofit.

VCS ( Git)

  • what is Marge and rebase in git.
  • how you create branch and work on them .

Jetpack Compose

  • What are the benefits of using Jetpack compose?
  • What is a Composable function?
  • What is a declarative approach?
  • What jetpack compose libraries have you used?
  • Explain compose UI basic components


  • In Unit testing, what is @Before & @Beforeclass annotation used for
  • Why should we use a Mockito lib?
  • Explain Unit & Instrumentation tests

Data Structure

  • What is Queue, Stack and Array.
  • The time complexity of Hash Table — O(1)
  • Best for getting the last item — Stack
  • Time Complexity of Binary Search — O(log N)
  • Which is best Sorting Algo — Quick Sort
  • Best performance for finding minimum value — Array

That’s a wrap for now! Many more to come
I hope you find this blog helpful.



Rahnuma Sharib

Mobile application developer. #Flutter #ReactNative #Android #Kotlin #JetpackCompose