How to install Angular in Ubuntu and Windows?

Rahul Y Dudhane
2 min readMay 9, 2020


Angular installation
Angular installation

Hello readers! Welcome back to my new story on medium. In this tutorial, we are going to see how you can do complete setup for angular development i.e. environment for developing web applications by using angular.

So without any discussion lets go for the steps.

Step 1: Install Node.js (If not installed)

For Ubuntu :

i) We need a curl program to help node installation, So install curl before installing node use following command to install curl.

sudo apt-get install curl

ii) Add node PPA.

At the last update of this tutorial, Node.js 12.x is the LTS release available. So, we are going to install the LTS version of node.js. ( Note:- Please check the latest LTS version of node while you are reading this tutorial and replace the version in command below).

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -

iii) Now install node.js.

sudo apt-get install nodejs

For windows :

Download Node.js exe from the official site and install it.

Use the Windows command prompt to hit following commands.

Step 2: Verify Node.js version.

Now check node.js and npm (Node package manager) version to verify your installation.

node -v

Output: v12.14.1

Now one of the main thing we get in node is NPM (Node package manager), So verify NPM version.

npm -v

Output: 6.13.4

We have full video tutorial of angular installation given below,

Angular Installation Tutorial

Step 3: Install Angular cli (Command Line Interface).

Now all set for installing an environment for Angular development. We use the angular cli to create the project, generate application and library code, and perform a variety of ongoing development tasks such as testing, bundling, and deployment.

So, install Angular cli globally.

npm install -g @angular/cli

Step 4: Verify angular cli version.

Now verify the Angular cli version. Here you can see your angular cli version with some other version as well.

ng — version

(There are two hyphen)

You have done it ! Now your machine is ready for Angular development. We can see how to create an angular project in the next tutorial So please be tuned and subscribe our channel “We Are Tech” on YouTube.

Thank You !

