How to Create a Ubuntu 20.04 Server on AWS EC2 (Elastic Cloud Computing)

Rahul Gupta
Nerd For Tech
Published in
3 min readJun 30, 2020

Here , we will learn about how to create a Ubuntu 20.04 LTS server on AWS EC2 .
All of this is Free tier eligible :
1. The Amazon EC2 Free Tier is available to you for 12 months .
2. 750 hrs per month of Amazon EC2 in a Single-AZ db.t2.micro Instance.

Create a AWS Account .

Steps To Create a Ubuntu Instance

1. Login with your AWS Account and go to console.

2. Search for EC2 in Services and Go to EC2 .

3. (optional) In the top right corner of the Amazon EC2 , select the Region in which you want to create the EC2 instance .

4. Click on Launch Instance On EC2 Dashboard .

5. Choose AMI (Amazon Machine Image) i.e Select Ubuntu 20.04 LTS .

6. Choose and Instance Type in this Case we will choose General purpose t2.micro. Because that is Free Tier Eligible . Now click On Next : Configure Instance Details .

7. (optional) Configure Instance. In this we can specify the No. of instances and User Roles for those instances by specifying IAM Role .

8. Add Storage : In this we can change the size for our EC2 Instance . Free Tier is Eligible upto 30GB of Storage .

9. (Optional) Add Tags : We can add Some tags to specify the Instance Type here .

10. Configure Security Group

Here we will create a new Security Group in which we will specify which Ports will be Open for EC2 instance .

We will add HTTP , HTTPS and SSH Port for our EC2 Instance. HTTP and HTTPS to allow web request from anywhere in the world to our instance . And SSH to Connect to our EC2 Instance from Local Machine .

HTTP   80   Anywhere 
HTTPS 443 Anywhere
SSH 20 Anywhere or Custom

11 . Review and Launch Instance

12 . Create a key pair to connect to our EC2 instance from local machine. Download the Key Pair and keep it Safely. It will be used to connect to EC2 instance Later .

13 . Click on Launch Instance.

Your EC2 Instance is Ready to use. Please wait for while until Instance State change to running and status check is done . Now ,
Connect to your EC2 Instance from your Local Machine ( Window / Ubuntu)

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  2. How to setup mysql database on AWS RDS ( Relational Database Service )

