10 reasons why Agate wins hands down over single solutions like PundiX, TenX, eCoinmerce and Request Network

Rahul Kumar
4 min readSep 28, 2018


The world of cryptocurrency is fascinating and exciting . Since its inception to launch, the journey of the cryptocurrencies have been eventful and promised a future complete with growth and revenue potential.

With the emergence of the blockchain technology, a plethora of start-ups claiming faster transactions and unique crypto solutions have been doing the rounds. Companies such as PundiX, TenX, eCoinmerce and Request Network have claimed about the uniqueness of their solutions combined with a hassle-free crypto experience never seen before. However, the reality is farther from the truth. Here’s why:

  • Merchants are often reluctant to accept cryptocurrencies for payment transactions due to the external market volatility risks and the lack of an ecosystem that shields the merchants from the external price fluctuations.
  • Though cryptocurrencies can be converted to Fiat and vice-versa, but there is a strong dependency on the third-party blockchain platforms which derails the very purpose of the faster and efficient transactions.
  • Limited multi-cryptocurrency options for transactions and exchange.
  • No merchant app or POS system- the very crux- that has led to the merchants reluctance in accepting cryptocurrencies for daily transactions.
  • Dependency on third-party blockchains limits the scalability function.

The above listed reasons are just some of the many that showcases the limitations of companies such as PundiX, TenX, eCoinmerce and Request Network .

Welcome Agate- a decentralised blockchain and an exhaustive crypto infrastructure that’s designed to merge users, merchants and developers on a single platform for cryptocurrency based transactions and exchanges towards daily purpose business and merchant transactions.

Given the current market scenario and the competition that it offers in-terms of new crypto economy based companies, here’s 10 reasons that makes Agateunique and way above the rest:

  1. Agate Blockchain: with its high speed and very low transaction fees, the Agate blockchain is way different from the rest. Completely decentralised and highly scalable, the blockchain has Smart Contracts for daily transactions with total reliability and security. A token generator engine and a block explorer to duly record every transaction with transparency are other added highlights.
  2. Apps for User & Merchant: For the very first time, merchants along with the users would have a specialised app that’s simple and easy to use. Running inside the Agate iFiat ecosystem on the Agate blockchain, the app provides near instantaneous transactions with nil transaction fees. A blessing the merchants world-over were waiting for. For regular users, the multi-currency wallet app is bring designed to accommodate upto 17 various cryptocurrencies- one of the highest in terms of wallet capacity in the prevalent market.
  3. Agate Trading Bot: A smart trading bot that allows users to load multiple assets thereby providing maximum gain from the cryptocurrency transactions. The bot also lets users to set conditions for transactions and the bot executes the trade when the conditions are met. This gives enormous freedom to users in customizing trade conditions for maximising gains.
  4. Agate AI Engine: Based on the machine-learning and decision-making algorithm, the AI Engine is designed to advise users the best time for cryptocurrency to iFiats conversion to obtain highest gain. The engine also uses several other sophisticated trade algorithms and market forecasts to deliver the most accurate outcome.
  5. Desktop & Mobile POS terminal for Merchants: Again the first-of-its-kind, the POS terminal lets merchants receive any cryptocurrency and conversion of iFiats to Debit Card or bank transfers to account. The POS terminal offers 0% transaction fees, near instantaneous transaction speeds (as it runs inside the Agate iFiat ecosystem) and can be installed at any location world-over.
  6. Agate gateway API: Available in GitHub and an open-source, the API lets the user create a payment gateway of his/her own. With this enhancement, any online store can now accept cryptocurrency transactions simply by connecting to the Agate payment gateway API.Ready and easy to install plug-ins offer additional benefits.
  7. Agate iFiat Ecosystem: The ecosystem runs on the Agate blockchain thereby eliminating the need for any third-party untested, expensive and slow blockchains. The ecosystem offers the usage of iFiat like any other cryptocurrency with very small transaction fees. The iFiats runs through a decentralised exchange (DEX) on the blockchain.
  8. iBucket: This can be termed as a decentralized wallet for iFiat tokens. Merchants are not charged any transaction fees when dealing with iFiat tokens hence this makes it a coveted transaction method. Whether converting cryptocurrency to iFiats or using iFiat tokens for transactions, the iBucket provides the repository for any-time use thus shielding the users from market volatilities and thereby maximising gains.
  9. Agate Debit Card: Designed to be accepted over 30,000,000 stores world-wide, the unique feature of this card is the provision that it provides to the users to load the card for any transaction settlement within a few seconds. Various transaction limits have been set depending on complete or partial KYC that’s bound to suit everyone’s specification and need.
  10. AGT Token: Agate’s internal cryptocurrency AGT is different from the rest in a way that it offers multiple revenue generation sources. All internal transactions, purchases and trading are charged in AGT thereby ensuring liquidity and long-term stability. AGT is truly a value added token for users.

Agate with its new and one-of-its-kind ecosystem is the future of the next generation crypto based trading. With a set vision and practical implementation of features, the Agate Platform is the Go-To destination for users and merchants alike. Agate is not just here to redefine the crypto based economy but well on its way to be a world leader at that.

Media contact:

Name: Hamed Taghvaei

Email: media@agatechain.org

TG Group: https://t.me/AgateChain_Group

Website: https://agatechain.org/

Published by: https://www.bitcoininsider.org/

