Rahul Gandhi Education

Rahul Gandhi
3 min readNov 22, 2018


Rahul Gandhi Education and Qualification

Rahul Gandhi Education and Qualifications

As the adage goes, education is the key to success. A lot of political leader of our Nation are well known for their accomplishing education. If we look into the history of the Gandhi family, the game changer family in Indian politics, we can see that Gandhi’s have a distinguished educational background. Rahul Gandhi isn’t an exception. In spite of his young life filled up with political qualms of his family relatives, Rahul continued the legacy of education that runs in his family and turned out to be a mark of brilliance. This article swiftly highlights Rahul Gandhi’s qualifications in terms of education and profession before entering the politics.

Education and Qualification of Rahul Gandhi

Rahul Gandhi’s educational voyage began at Modern School in New Delhi, India, where he grew up under the political spotlight of his grandma, Indira Gandhi, who filled in as a Prime Minister. Here he went through the primary education that gave an enduring foundation to his later years in education.

Subsequent to going to Modern School in New Delhi, Rahul Gandhi briefly joined St. Columbia School in New Delhi. He attended Doon School from 1981 to 1983. Here, he proceeded with the early stages of his education.

Rahul Gandhi education journey does not last very long in this school either and he left the school in just 3 years after his grandma, who was then the Prime Minister of India, was assassinated. The feeling of vulnerability and insecurity as the result of this assassination spooked the family which led to the homeschooling of Rahul Gandhi from that point forward. This had a tremendous impact on Rahul Gandhi education. He was homeschooled with his sister Priyanka Gandhi. The political pressure at the time did not allow Rahul and his family to go out publicly without security.

Rahul Gandhi had incredible athletic abilities in the game of rifle shooting. His adoration for sports anchored him a place in tertiary education. This cleared the path to his admission into St. Stephen’s College from 1989 to 1990. Here he started his under graduation.

After taking the first year exams at St. Stephens College, Rahul later went to the renowned Harvard University in the United States where he enlisted for an undergrad program. This anyway took an unusual curve when scarcely a year after, his dad, Rajiv Gandhi was killed. Rahul Gandhi’s college education at Harvard University along these lines endured 1 year.

From that point, Rahul Gandhi’s choices were restricted and far between. He was admitted to Rollins College in Florida in 1991, where he graduated in 1994 with a Bachelor of Arts degree. His dad’s political death would carry with it certain outcomes, one being his changing his name to Raul Vinci to hide his personality. Just a couple of college authorities and security organizations knew his actual identity.

Rahul Gandhi’s qualification journey did not stop there. In 1994, he joined Trinity College, Cambridge, where he graduated the next year with a Master’s of Philosophy (M.Phil) degree in Developmental studies.

Rahul Gandhi Qualification

Rahul Gandhi qualification in terms of his education had faced a lot of ups and downs. After finishing his education he started working with a management consulting firm in London where he worked for a period of three years. After that, he moved back to India where his started his own consultancy firm in Mumbai before entering the politics.

In spite of the fact that Rahul Gandhi education has gone through numerous difficulties, he managed to set himself as a great example of a pillar of excellence in education. A lot of students see him as a person of extraordinary motivation which they can relate to.

Read More about Rahul Gandhi Achievement Here.

