1 min readMar 25, 2017


Hi Teja, Thanks for such a good tutorial could you please elaborating this

hours_start, remainder = divmod(data[13].seconds, 3600)
minutes_start, seconds_start = divmod(remainder, 60)
time_start = str(hours_start) + ":" + str(minutes_start)

hours_end, remainder = divmod(data[14].seconds, 3600)
minutes_end, seconds_start = divmod(remainder, 60)
time_end = str(hours_end) + ":" + str(minutes_end)
message = "Session that you are looking for is " + data[
2] + " which starts at " + time_start + " and ends at " + time_end + ", given by " + data[9]

what is data [2] or data [9] and what is remainder over here i am pretty new to python this explanation will help me a lot and please share the table schema in the post it can help people understanding it more better way.

