The F4 Formula: Turning Blunders into Wonders

Rahul Banerjee
4 min readJul 24, 2023


How I Dealt with Difficult Situations in Life — Part 1

Welcome to the family!

Life is not a straight line; I would probably not be alive if it had been. I am serious! Not joking :)

In my case, I had many ‘not’ straight lines like this. I had been bestowed by my managers and super bosses so many times. I used to feel that I was the chosen one!

There are many situations in life when we all feel that whatever we do is not good enough. Especially when you have a demanding boss. Demand is good as it creates supply and churn too :)

I opted to churn out faster than expected, saving time and money on both ends ;)

But when it goes through you, you are the only person you realize that something is wrong with you or others. This is the way we create out thoughts mostly, making us feel low.

Did you ever feel the same?

Listen! I am trying to be positive here :)

I have failed many times, and I know what not to do more than what to do right. Ask my family how often I have done wonders (blunders) in life.

But, one thing you will realize out of all these situations is an instinct saying that life has something good stored for you. You may always lose heart, but that ray of hope that goodness exists will keep you moving somehow.

What Did I Do?

> I stopped listening and started creating noise. Not outside cribbing but inside; where did I go wrong, and what could I do? Realization and acceptance helped me clear my thoughts and move ahead.

> The F4 Formula: This formula worked as a Formula1 in my life. I found out what I love the most, what makes me happy. Yes! — Family, Friends, Food & Finance.

  • I played with my children to relive my life. It made me, my children, and my spouse closer to each other. I never thought earlier that just by playing, doing silly things, I could be so much happier.
Midjourney creation: Father reliving his life — playing with his children
  • I picked up some healthy habits, like having a raw vegetarian salads and fruits in the mornings and afternoons. Doing this for just a month made me so much healthier. It is a part of me now. What you eat is what you are!
  • I reached out to old friends to be my punching bags. It helps. Having a true friend/s is a blessing in disguise. If you have one, don’t lose them ever. They are one of those who will tell you the truth and give you strength when you need the most.
  • Meditating for a few minutes (20 mins a day) helped me to get clarity and positive state of mind. Without even knowing all my anger, frustrations in the right direction. Initially, it wasn’t easy, but it helped me calm down and see life differently.
  • Read Books, Read Books, Read Books! I read books on finance and crypto and researched all the way through. It helped me build a strong understanding of the subject. The world of stocks and crypto intimidated me. I studied stocks and crypto more than I looked in life. I took it too seriously, did some courses, studied trading psychology, and networked myself to be THE Jack!
  • I took action and implemented what I learned, and here I am writing about how to look at life during downtime.

> I am not perfect. I worked on my strengths and improved on my weaknesses. While one may not be a master, I tried to become Jack. That is what you need probably these days.

> Hand written Journaling and manifestation — believe me, it works! Every morning I started writing about how my day would be. I vomited all the painful emotions which was hurting my body, mind and soul. Instead I manifested the positive ones. And, it did start working the way I wanted over a period of time.

I started loving things around me and, most importantly, loving myself.

One fine day you will realize that whatever happened to you, happened for a reason. A good reason.

Having a beautiful mind always helps to rejuvenate life and positively impact others around you too.

I hope you take some ques and positive steps in life with my story. While I am not suggesting you follow me for everything I did above, you can surely try to take one action at a time to see improvements in life over time.

Not to forget, most importantly, if you need a punching bag, you can always trust me :)

Have a good one! Take care.

Pls note: The picture of a father with his children has been created using Midjourney. Content is original and has no connection with AI.



Rahul Banerjee

Data Enthusiast, Web3 & Bitcoin buff. 18+ yrs sharpening SEO, content and organic marketing swords. Analytics & Biz intelligence sleuth.