Machine learning Cheat sheet

Rahul Singh Danu
2 min readFeb 15, 2020


machine learning is a way of making tasks easy , do things which take years to complete, a new way to use the data, a new field of opportunity and advancement, to make better quality models . to do so much things 1st we need to learn how to master machine learning. there are plenty o f resources on net some are structured some unstructured, we have to decide ourselves from where to learn, how much to learn. in a way this is very good approach because we are making our way of becoming a machine learning geek by ourselves.

Now when we are on our choice 1st we to take some good steps to save time, like what major things to learn 1st which make the whole machine learning ecosystem.

to make a little easy here is a machine learning road map or cheat sheet. focus on the topics and learn them as we learn slowly the road map gets clearer in our mind and we our own mind map .

To become a good machine learner 1st and for most thing we all have to do is feel and sense the texture, the smell of each component of the data we get from any Source the we have to do data wrangling, cleaning and make it a beautiful ore(mineral) of our final diamond like model

at last an encouraging quote for your machine learning journey is our mind is also a so called virtual machine. no one exactly knows from where these big ideas suddenly just came. machine learning is a path to know such more fascinating and mind boggling curios questions.

