Rahul Kohli — A Man with a Vision

Rahul Kohli
3 min readSep 5, 2020


August 20, 2027

Rahul Kohli, A man with a vision is a Founder & CEO of one of the most recognized startup XYZ Inc. He is one of the most influential men and featured in “Fortune 40 under 40” this year.

Since its founding in 2025, this red-hot startup has raised over $40 million and is now worth more than $150 million. Gone are the days when people talk about that it takes years and years to build a successful business. Rahul Kohli has shown the world that it really is possible to build a massively successful business within 2 years of its launch.

Moreover, XYZ Inc. is planning to move worldwide & go public in the next 2 years. Going public within 4 years of its launch is not a piece of piss.

“Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose.” — Bill Gates

Rahul is well known for taking risks in life and living life like a king-size. He is having a total of 14 years of professional experience. This is not his first startup. Prior to this, he was a founder of many businesses, one of them is a Fashion Jewelry brand which he ran from 2017–2020. Unfortunately, it didn’t work out and he faced a huge loss in it. But he never looks back as he thinks that “If we’re not failing [some of the time], we’re not pushing the envelope hard enough”.

So, like every successful Entrepreneur, Rahul’s road was also not smooth as it looks like. His career was like a roller coaster ride, but he always keeps his head high and never laid down.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: Those who are aware of this will make it through. There is no shortcut, you have to trip over umpteen times before hitting the mark. Whether we like it or not, failure is a necessary stepping stone to achieving our dreams.

After his post-graduation in Computer Application, Rahul Kohli decided he wanted to work in Cloud Computing and began working on it and helped many companies in their journey. Later on, he decided to switch his career in Growth Hacking as he is so much agile. He left his last job as a “Head of Growth” in ABC Inc. in 2025, just before his XYZ Inc. This is one of the main reason why he scaled up their startup in a very short span of time.

Rahul enjoys supporting their friends and loved ones, organizing social gatherings and doing their best to make sure everyone is happy.

He loves to meditate and keep their mind clear and positive. He also loves to travel a lot which keeps him motivated.

As we quoted above he is really “A man with a vision”.

All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.



Rahul Kohli

Growth Hacker | Digital Marketer | Entrepreneur | Data Enthusiast