Mastering Work Tracking and Project Management with Azure Boards

Rahul Kondi
2 min readJun 12, 2024


Are you looking for a robust solution to streamline your project management and work tracking processes? Azure Boards, part of the Azure DevOps suite, offers a comprehensive set of tools designed to help teams plan, track, and collaborate on projects effectively. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of harnessing the power of Azure Boards for your project management needs.

Step 1: Sign in to Azure DevOps

Head over to the Azure DevOps website and sign in with your credentials. If you’re new to Azure DevOps, you can quickly sign up for a free account.

Step 2: Create a Project

Once logged in, create a new project by clicking on the “New Project” button. Provide a name, description, and choose the visibility options according to your preferences.

Step 3: Navigate to Azure Boards

After creating the project, navigate to the “Boards” tab from the left-hand menu. Here, you’ll find a suite of tools tailored for work tracking and project management.

Step 4: Create Work Items

Work items serve as the building blocks of your project. Click on the “New Work Item” button to create a new work item. Fill in details such as title, description, assigned to, priority, etc.

Step 5: Organize Work Items on Boards

Azure Boards offers various board views like Kanban board, sprint board, etc. Organize your work items by dragging and dropping them across different columns representing various stages of your workflow.

Step 6: Create Backlog

The backlog is your master list of work items. Add tasks, bugs, user stories, or any other units of work to the backlog and prioritize them based on their importance and urgency.

Step 7: Plan Sprints

For Agile teams, planning sprints is crucial. Create a sprint backlog by selecting work items from the backlog and assigning them to a sprint.

Step 8: Track Progress

As work progresses, update the status of work items by moving them across different stages on the board. Log time spent, add comments, and attach files to work items to keep everyone informed.

Step 9: Collaborate with Your Team

Azure Boards facilitates seamless collaboration. Communicate with your team members directly within the context of work items using comments, mentions, and notifications.

Step 10: Generate Reports

Gain insights into your project’s health and progress by exploring the various reports and dashboards offered by Azure Boards. Identify bottlenecks, track progress, and measure team performance effortlessly.

Step 11: Customize as Needed

Azure Boards is highly customizable. Tailor the process to fit your team’s unique workflow by creating custom work item types, adding custom fields, and creating custom board views.

Step 12: Integrate with Other Azure Services

Enhance your project management process further by leveraging Azure Boards’ seamless integration with other Azure services like Azure Repos for version control, Azure Pipelines for continuous integration and deployment, and Azure Test Plans for test management.

By following these steps, you can unlock the full potential of Azure Boards and elevate your project management game to new heights. Start your journey towards efficient work tracking and project management today

