A weather app that displays the current temperature and forecast

Rahul Prasad M.
8 min readJan 21, 2023
Weather App


  • Explanation of the topic: creating a weather app that displays the current temperature and forecast in Python

The topic of creating a weather app that displays the current temperature and forecast in Python involves the development of a software application that can provide users with real-time weather information for a specific location. This type of app is commonly used to check the current weather conditions or forecast for a particular area, such as a city or town. The app can be used to retrieve a wide range of weather data, including temperature, humidity, wind speed, and forecast, among others.

The process of creating such an app typically involves the use of an API (Application Programming Interface) that can provide access to the weather data. In this case, the OpenWeatherMap API is used to retrieve the weather data. The API allows developers to make requests to the weather server and receive data in response. The data is usually returned in JSON format, which can be parsed and extracted to retrieve the required information.

Once the data is retrieved, it can be displayed to the user in a graphical user interface (GUI) using a library such as tkinter. The GUI allows users to interact with the app by entering a location and viewing the weather data in a user-friendly way.

Overall, the topic of creating a weather app that displays the current temperature and forecast in Python involves the use of APIs, data parsing, and GUI development, which enables users to access real-time weather information for any location.

  • Purpose of the app: to provide users with real-time weather information for a specific location

The primary purpose of a weather app that displays the current temperature and forecast in Python is to provide users with real-time weather information for a specific location. This information can be used for a variety of purposes, such as determining whether to carry an umbrella or wear a coat, planning outdoor activities, or making travel decisions.

Having real-time weather information can be especially important for people who are sensitive to weather changes, such as those with allergies, asthma, or other health conditions. The app allows them to plan their day and take necessary precautions based on the current weather conditions.

Additionally, the app can be especially useful for people who are planning to travel to a new location. They can use the app to check the weather conditions in the area they are planning to visit and pack accordingly.

In summary, the purpose of a weather app that displays the current temperature and forecast in Python is to provide users with real-time weather information for a specific location, which can help them to plan their day, take necessary precautions and make informed decisions based on the current weather conditions.

Setting up the API and Environment

  • Explanation of the OpenWeatherMap API and how to sign up for an API key

The OpenWeatherMap API is a web-based service that provides access to current weather data, forecast, and historical data for locations around the world. The API allows developers to retrieve weather information in a variety of formats, including JSON, XML, and HTML.

To use the OpenWeatherMap API, developers need to sign up for an API key. The API key is a unique code that is required to make requests to the API. It is used to identify the developer and track usage of the API.

Signing up for an API key is a simple process:

  1. Go to the OpenWeatherMap website and click on the “API” tab.
  2. Click on the “Subscribe” button and sign up for a free account.
  3. Once you have signed up, you will be taken to your account dashboard, where you can generate an API key.
  4. After generating the key, you can use it in your requests to the API.

Note that OpenWeatherMap offers different type of plans, free and paid, depending on the usage of the API, so it’s important to check the terms of service and fair usage policy before making any calls to the API.

It’s also important to keep your API key private, as it should not be shared with anyone or hardcoded into your application. It’s a best practice to use environment variables or a configuration file to store the key, so that it can be easily updated or changed if needed.

  • Setting up the environment

In order to create a visually appealing and interactive interface for your weather application, it is recommended that you utilize a reputable code editor platform, such as Jupyter Notebook, Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text or Atom.

Additionally, utilizing the Tkinter library will enable you to easily design and implement a graphical user interface within your system. If Tkinter is not currently installed on your system, it can be easily obtained through the use of the command “pip install tkinter”.

Now, Let’s Code

import requests
import json
from tkinter import *

def get_weather(location, api_key):
# Make the API request
url = f"http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q={location}&appid={api_key}"
response = requests.get(url)
data = json.loads(response.text)

# Extract the relevant data
temperature = data["main"]["temp"]
forecast = data["weather"][0]["description"]

# Return the data as a tuple
return (temperature, forecast)

def show_weather():
# Get the location and API key from the user
location = location_entry.get()
*** # api_key = "3972f47920aca67639835cc597xxxxxx" ***
api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"

# Get the weather data
temperature, forecast = get_weather(location, api_key)

# Display the weather data
temperature_label.config(text = f"Temperature: {temperature}")
forecast_label.config(text = f"Forecast: {forecast}")

# Create the GUI
root = Tk()
root.title("Weather App")

location_label = Label(root, text = "Enter location:")

location_entry = Entry(root)

get_weather_button = Button(root, text = "Get Weather", command = show_weather)

temperature_label = Label(root, text = "Temperature:")

forecast_label = Label(root, text = "Forecast:")


This code is a simple weather app that uses the OpenWeatherMap API to retrieve the temperature and forecast for a given location. The app is built using the Tkinter library for creating a graphical user interface (GUI).

  1. The code imports the requests, json, and tkinter libraries, which are used to make the API request, parse the response, and create the GUI, respectively.
  2. The function get_weather(location, api_key) takes the location and API key as inputs and makes an API request to the OpenWeatherMap API using the requests library. The response is loaded into a json object and the temperature and forecast data is extracted. The temperature and forecast are then returned as a tuple.
  3. The function show_weather() is called when the “Get Weather” button is pressed. It retrieves the location and API key entered by the user and calls the get_weather() function to retrieve the temperature and forecast data. The temperature and forecast data is then displayed on the screen.
  4. The GUI is created using Tkinter, with labels, an entry field, and a button to enter the location and retrieve the weather data.
  5. Finally, the root.mainloop() function runs the GUI and waits for user input.

**Note : Replace your own API Key in place of “YOUR_API_KEY” in the above code.


  • Summary of the steps involved in creating a weather app using the OpenWeatherMap API and the tkinter library in Python

Here is a summary of the steps involved in creating a weather app using the OpenWeatherMap API and the tkinter library in Python:

  1. Sign up for an API key from OpenWeatherMap to access the weather data.
  2. Import the requests library in Python and make a GET request to the API endpoint to retrieve the current weather data for a specific location.
  3. Parse the JSON response and extract relevant data such as temperature and forecast.
  4. Use the tkinter library to create a graphical user interface (GUI) for the app. The GUI should include a label, an entry box, and a button for the user to enter their location and retrieve the weather data.
  5. Display the weather data in a user-friendly way by creating additional labels to display the temperature and forecast information and updating them with the retrieved data.
  6. Test the app and make any necessary adjustments.

It’s important to keep in mind that the design of the user interface should be simple and easy to understand, providing the user with the information they need in a clear and concise way. Additionally, it’s also important to be aware of the terms of service and fair usage policy of the OpenWeatherMap API, as it may have limitations on the number of requests that can be made within a certain period of time.

  • Future potential developments and modifications that can be made to the app

There are several potential developments and modifications that can be made to a weather app using the OpenWeatherMap API and the tkinter library in Python:

  1. Adding a feature to display the weather forecast for the next 5 days or more, this could be done by calling the OpenWeatherMap API’s 5-day forecast endpoint and displaying the data in a user-friendly way.
  2. Adding a feature to display the weather conditions with an icon, this could be done by retrieving the weather condition code from the API’s response and displaying an appropriate icon.
  3. Adding a feature to display the weather data for multiple locations. This can be done by allowing the user to save multiple locations, and then switching between them to view the corresponding weather data.
  4. Adding a feature to display the temperature and forecast data in different units, such as Celsius and Fahrenheit.
  5. Adding a feature to display the humidity, wind speed, and pressure.
  6. Adding a feature to send notifications to the user when the weather is about to change, or when there is a chance of rain or snow.
  7. Adding a feature to display a map with the location of the weather data.
  8. Creating a mobile app version of the weather app using frameworks such as Kivy or PyQt.
  9. Using machine learning to predict the weather or to analyze historical data to provide insights


  • List of sources and links used in researching and writing the article

I am an AI and I do not have the capability to research or use any sources. However, you can find a lot of tutorials and documentation online to help you build a weather app using the OpenWeatherMap API and the tkinter library in Python. Here are a few resources that may be helpful:

Also, you can find a lot of tutorials that can guide you through the process of building a weather app with different complexity levels, from simple to more advanced.

Please keep in mind that you should always read and abide by the terms of service and fair usage policy of the OpenWeatherMap API and the libraries you use to create your app.

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Rahul Prasad M.

🎓 Student at National Institute Of Technology Silchar(India) | 💻 Proficient in Python, C++ and JavaScript | 🚀 Follow For Job Related Post.