GeoPy Library in Python: How to Calculate Distance between Two Locations with Precision

Rahul Prasad M.
6 min readJan 30, 2023


GeoPy Library in Python


  • Brief overview of the topic

The topic of this blog post is “How to Calculate Distance between Two Locations with Precision?”. The goal of this post is to educate readers on how to calculate the distance between two locations using the Python programming language. This post will cover the basics of latitude and longitude, required installations, provide a code example, and explanation. The aim is to provide readers with a comprehensive guide on how to use Python to calculate distances between two points on the Earth’s surface.

  • Importance of calculating distances between two locations

Calculating distances between two locations is a crucial task in many fields including geography, navigation, logistics, and transportation. It is important because it allows individuals and organizations to make informed decisions about travel, delivery, and other activities that require an understanding of the distance between two points.

For example, in the logistics industry, companies use distance calculations to determine the fastest and most cost-effective delivery routes. In navigation, distance calculations are used to find the shortest distance between two points, helping to optimize travel time and fuel consumption. In geography, distance calculations are used to study the distribution of natural resources and human populations, as well as to analyze migration patterns.

Therefore, being able to accurately calculate distances between two locations is a valuable skill that has practical applications in many industries and fields. By using the Python programming language, individuals and organizations can automate and simplify this task, making it easier and more efficient.

Understanding Latitude and Longitude

  • Definition of latitude and longitude

Latitude and longitude are two geographic coordinates used to identify a specific point on the Earth’s surface. Latitude is a measure of a point’s location north or south of the Equator, and it is expressed in degrees from to 90°. Longitude is a measure of a point’s location east or west of the Prime Meridian, and it is expressed in degrees from to 180°.

Latitude and longitude together form a unique pair of coordinates that can be used to pinpoint a location on the Earth’s surface with great accuracy. The Earth is divided into a grid of lines of latitude and longitude, which allows us to pinpoint any location on the planet. This system is called the Geographic Coordinate System, and it is used by many applications, including maps, GPS, and navigation systems.

In distance calculation, latitude and longitude are used to calculate the great-circle distance between two points, which is the shortest distance between two points on the Earth’s surface. The calculation of the distance is based on the spherical shape of the Earth, and it is important to consider this shape when calculating distances between two locations.

  • Understanding the Earth’s spherical shape and its impact on distance calculation

The Earth is not a flat surface but is instead a sphere, with a slightly flattened shape. This spherical shape affects the way distances are calculated between two points on the Earth’s surface. A straight line on a flat surface is not the shortest distance between two points on a sphere, as the surface of the sphere curves away from the straight line.

Therefore, when calculating distances between two points on the Earth’s surface, it is important to take into account the Earth’s spherical shape. By using the latitude and longitude of two points, the formula is able to calculate the shortest distance between them, taking into account the Earth’s spherical shape.

The impact of the Earth’s spherical shape on distance calculation is significant, as it affects the accuracy of navigation, delivery, and other activities that require an understanding of the distance between two points.

Code Example

  • How to install required libraries

To install geopy, you can use the pip package manager. Here’s the command to install it:

!pip install geopy

Once installed, you can import geopy and its classes in your Python script and use them for geocoding and distance calculations.

  • Sample code to calculate the distance between two locations
  • Explanation of the code

Here, we are calculating the distance between two locations using geopy, a Python library for geocoding and distance calculations.

The script starts by importing the Nominatim class from geopy.geocoders and the geodesic function from geopy.distance. Nominatim is a geocoding service that can be used to convert an address or a place name into geographic coordinates (latitude and longitude). Geodesic calculates the shortest distance between two points on the Earth’s surface.

The script then defines a function called calculateDistance, which takes two locations (location1 and location2) as input and returns the distance between them in miles.

The function starts by initializing an instance of the Nominatim class, which is used to convert the location names into geographic coordinates. The geolocator.geocode method is used to obtain the latitude and longitude of the locations.

Next, the geodesic function is used to calculate the distance between the two locations using their coordinates. The function returns the distance in miles, which is the result of the calculation.

Finally, the script tests the calculateDistance function by passing the location names “Guwahati, India” and “Delhi, India” as arguments and printing the result. The result is the distance between these two locations in miles.


  • Summary of the key points discussed

In conclusion, the use of Geopy library in Python allows us to calculate the distance between two locations with ease and accuracy. With its built-in algorithms, we can quickly get the geographical distance between two points on the earth’s surface and use it for various applications such as route planning, navigation, and spatial analysis. By combining the functionality of Geopy with other Python libraries, it is possible to create a wide range of GIS applications and analyze geographical data in a more efficient and effective way.

  • Final thoughts and recommendations for further study

Final thoughts:

Calculating the distance between two locations using Python Geopy is a convenient and efficient way to get accurate results. In this article, we discussed how to calculate the distance between two locations using Python Geopy, by utilizing the geopy library, which provides a simple and straightforward solution to calculating the distance between two points. We demonstrated how to install the library, and then how to use it to calculate the distance between two locations.

Recommendations for further study:

  1. Study different methods for calculating distances between two locations, such as the Pythagorean theorem, which is a straight-line approximation.
  2. Explore different libraries for geospatial data manipulation in Python, such as Shapely and Fiona, and compare their functionalities with Geopy.
  3. Study the use of geospatial data in mapping applications and how to visualize and plot geographical data on maps.
  4. Explore the use of geospatial data in navigation applications, such as determining the shortest path between two locations, and study how to integrate these functionalities into a navigation system.
  5. Study the use of geospatial data in location-based services, such as finding the nearest location to a user, and how to integrate these functionalities into location-based services.

At last, studying how to calculate distances between two locations using Python Geopy is a valuable and practical skill for a variety of applications, and there is always room for further exploration and learning in this field.

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Rahul Prasad M.

🎓 Student at National Institute Of Technology Silchar(India) | 💻 Proficient in Python, C++ and JavaScript | 🚀 Follow For Job Related Post.